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How Working Out in College Can Change Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Maryland chapter.

There are two types of people in college: the people who are seen constantly working out and eating healthy, and the people who never eat fruit, or set their feet in the gym.

If you’re happy with how you’re living, then there isn’t anything wrong with either option. However, there is something that you all should know…UMD has not one, but two gyms on campus. And unlike other colleges, you don’t have to pay extra for them!

As students in our late teens and early twenties, our bodies are in their prime. We should be taking advantage of every opportunity to be healthy. Here are just a few reasons to live a healthier lifestyle in college.

1. Working out improves your overall mood.

College students are typically stressed out, and for some reason, a little unhappy almost all the time. When you work out, you produce endorphins that ultimately make you happier throughout the day. Additionally, after a nice run, a hard ab workout or lifting session helps you feel accomplished, and improves your confidence.

2. Your entire body reaps the benefits.

Not only does working out help you lose weight and gain muscle, but it also clears up your skin and keeps your organs in shape. When you treat your body right, thanks you by improving itself. Self-care is important and exercising is the best way to keep you in tip-top shape.

3. You develop better time management.

Although you might not think so, having more things to do actually helps with time management skills. People who believe they have a lot of free time, tend to put things off longer. Adding a workout regimen to your schedule helps to organize your day increase efficiency.

4. You beat the “Freshmen 15.”

Guess what guys? The “Freshmen 15” can happen in any year of school, and now that the dining halls are all-you-can-eat, gaining weight can be harder to avoid. Even if you don’t want to change your eating habits, working out gives you a little leeway in eating that cookie (or two) after dinner.

5. You make new friends!

Once you get in the habit of working out, you start to figure out what activities and exercises you like best. From there, you can find people who enjoy the same ones as you and bond.

Although it may seem difficult and time consuming, exercising is one of the best things you can do for yourself while in college. Working out just three times a week totally improves your lifestyle. Try it and feel the difference!

Hi I'm Mel, a senior studying communication with a focus in public relations and government & politics here at the University of Maryland. I hope you like what I have to say!