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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

For me, the state of my body determines everything else in my life. If I am not well enough to do whatever I need to do, I tend to panic. 

This is what goes through my head if I sneeze: I’m getting sick → I’ll have to miss school → My grades will drop → No degree means I’ll have to work at Applebee’s until I’m 80!

Or if I have a pimple on my forehead: People will scream when they see me → I’m going to be shunned from my community → My last friend will be a mini slider → I’ll have to work at Applebee’s until I’m 80! 

I’m aware that these are some pretty dramatic scenarios, but I’m preparing myself for the worst. However, by taking thoughtful care of my one and only body, I will hopefully never have to pull out my Applebee’s apron. My routine has been working thus far, so feel free to take some notes!

First of all, taking care of my body means, to me, getting enough sleep. Sleep charges your whole body! Some kind of healing magic happens to your body while you’re sleeping, and your brain makes little skits to distract you from seeing it. They’re sometimes called dreams. And even if you can’t fall asleep, just laying and resting does still render some of the magic.

girl sleeping in black and white
Kinga Cichewicz
Second, taking care of my old body means eating well AND eating enough. Sometimes I’m trying so hard to eat healthily that if there are no wholesome options, I will not eat at all. Though I do think it’s important to make an effort to have healthy options, I know that they are not always available to me. And if that’s the case, I think it’s better to eat something not so healthy than nothing at all. Because ‘healthy’ really is subjective to some degree.

Woman slicing tomatoes
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

Third, taking care of this human machine means doing yoga! Yes, this is a specific request for a generalized article, but I really firmly believe in it. Included in yoga are a handful of rejuvenating things for your body: stretching, deep breathing, strength-building, meditation. 

Unsplash / Bruce Mars
Yoga is just a great way for you to check in with every part of your body, especially areas you wouldn’t normally be very aware of. You get to make sure that your ankles are doing well, that your butt is in check, that your ribcage is alright and that your ears are still holding on. These checks make me feel more like one united entity, almost like I have more control over my whole body.

Overall, taking care of your body is defined by you listening to what she’s asking for. Treat your body with respect, since she’s serving you day and night! I encourage you to check in and really listen to that vessel of yours; I think the results will be worth it.


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Overall great girl.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.