Animated films have a special place in my heart, and at the core of that lies Studio Ghibli, a Japanese animation studio known for its completely hand-drawn movies, which...
Delve into the wonderful world of japanese animation with this list of beginner-friendly anime recommendations!
A Studio Ghibli movie? Sign me up!
Last week, I went with some friends to the Screening Room in downtown Kingston to watch 'The Taste of Things.' Watching it reminded me of how important sound is...
Hayao Miyazaki retorna a filmografia, marcando o suposto fim de sua carreira, com sua Ășltima impecĂĄvel animação, âO Menino e a Garçaâ do renomado Studio Ghibli
Why did the world collectively gasp upon the reveal of another Ghibli film?
The last feature film by Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli has been released.
Interested in unique characters, intense world building, and gorgeous animation? Studio Ghibli films are perfect, and my favorites can help guide you.
A look back at the most influential Ghibli studio movies over the years in anticipation of the studioâs soon to be released film by famous director Hayao Miyazaki.
Studio Ghibli is a well-acclaimed Japanese animation studio that is known for creating the most iconic animated films. Growing up, I watched a lot of their most famous movies...