College students often feel like they must juggle everything—rigorous academics, the perfect balance of extracurriculars, a vibrant social life and maintain their sanity. Breaking the cycle of overcommitment is...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.As we are nearing finals it is easy to get overwhelmed and stressed. However, it...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.Our childhood experiences determine our thinking processes, morals and views of ourselves and others....
Aside from Mother Nature’s not-so-funny, dreary weather on April Fool's Day, springtime means sunshine, flowers, and warmer weather. This...
Avoiding the freshman 15 may seem easy if you’re a healthy active person, but when you officially move to college and are on your own it’s...
My entire life, I have always had anxiety, and I managed it pretty well. However, when I started college, my anxiety hit levels that I didn...
1. Put your phone away during class! Keep it in your desk drawer, in your backpack or anywhere else where you’re not tempted to look at it...
For anyone that suffers from any type of mental illness, whether it be minor anxiety or severe depression, it is extremely difficult to...
I believe that my first noticeable issues with my mental health began when I was in middle school. During the time, it was written off as...