As we are nearing finals it is easy to get overwhelmed and stressed. However, it is important to still prioritize your mental health. This means taking the time to do things that make you happy and improve your mood. If you are struggling with mental health or want some tips to improve this, then keep reading below!
Get regular exercise:
This seems simple but moving around can help relieve stress and allow us to take a break from everyday tasks. Just taking 30 minutes out of your day to walk can be beneficial.
Eating healthy:
This can improve your energy and focus throughout the day. This doesn’t just include eating healthy meals but staying hydrated and limiting caffeinated beverages such as coffee or soda.
Make sleep a priority:
Sleep is extremely important and can improve your mood throughout the day. It is important to develop a sleep schedule so your body can form a routine. It can also be beneficial to get off electronic devices an hour before sleep to improve your sleep cycle.
Try a relaxing activity or do something for yourself every day:
This might be the most important item on the whole list because by doing something for yourself you are improving your mood and well-being. It is such an easy task that can be underestimated but can drastically change your mood in the day. If you’re looking for a relaxing activity this might include meditation, breathing, exercising or even journaling.
Set goals and priorities:
By having a set list of tasks to get done you will feel productive and want to achieve them. It is easy to put off tasks and assignments, especially around finals, but setting specific goals for the day will make you feel accomplished.
Practice gratitude and focus on positivity:
It is important to remind yourself of the things that are going right even if some things go wrong. You can write them down and come back to them in order to feel like you accomplished something. There is good in everyday so sometimes you just need to look a little harder for it! If you feel a negative thought coming on try to figure out why you are feeling this way and what you can do to make it better.
Stay connected:
It is important to stay in touch with friends and socialize throughout this time. Finals and studying can be stressful but surrounding yourself with people that make you happy make it a little better.
Self-care looks different for everyone, so it is important to do what works for you! Sometimes you have to run into barriers to find solutions and things that work for you.