My latest interest on the meaning of different flowers, going back to its roots in the Victorian era.
A hidden gem nestled into Blacksburg, D'Rose is a necessity for gift giving; to find the perfect gift for that perfect person.
A guide to selecting the perfect flower for anyone special in your life
A eterna Hannah Montana completa 32 anos neste sábado, e nós relembramos os momentos mais marcantes de sua trajetória como atriz e cantora
In relationships, gift giving is important as it makes both partners feel joyous and loved. The one receiving the gift obviously feels appreciated, and the one giving feels great...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ICU (Japan) chapter.“After women, flowers are the most divine creations,” Christian Dior said. Today, I want...
This past semester, I had the opportunity to take SPSS 2520: Floral Art with Professor Justine Ramsey. I had heard about the class from my friends who graduated in...
While we are in the peak of springtime, it is important for us to appreciate the natural beauty of the season: the sun, the breeze, and the newly blooming flowers.