Former President Donald Trump is notorious for making false claims and speaking out of turn for personal gain. As the campaign season for the upcoming election intensifies, Donald Trump...
Participate in our country's democracy by completing these 5 things before you head to the polls.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.It seems as though the contentious topic of Proposition 13 is broached during each election...
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.Election season in California is in full swing, which means having a clear understanding of...
Article written on 11/6/20 Well, here we are. Nearly five days post-election with not a whole lot of information. After going back and...
Your complete guide to everything on the California Ballot this year.
Brace yourself. Primary results are coming.
Election season is either a proud, stressful or annoying time. But whatever it is, you should be sure to exercise your right to vote. We don't learn much about...