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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Williams chapter.

Quarantine was an unexpected time for almost everyone in the world, aside from the doomsday preppers. Personally, I found that I struggled most with maintaining a routine during quarantine, especially in the absence of playing a college sport. In an effort to continue to work out, I started to get into some good at-home workout Youtubers, and I’m here to tell you about them. Before COVID, I did most of my workouts either at the gym, on the ice (hockey), or in a yoga studio, so I really had to adapt to being at home, especially with essentially no equipment other than my sneakers.

Here are my three favorite *free* at-home workout Youtubers & why I like them so much. If you and I are similar, maybe you can try them out too! If you’re like me and don’t have any at-home equipment, don’t be discouraged. I was using cans of beans as weights for most of quarantine. 

Pink weights and workout gear
Photo by Elena Kloppenburg from Unsplash


  1. Sydney Cummings: She’s a rockstar. The thing I find most impressive about her is that she talks the ENTIRE TIME despite having very challenging workouts. Sydney is a great person for workouts targeted at building muscle and building mental strength, too!

    1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVQJZE_on7It_pEv6tn-jdA 

  2. “SELF” workouts: With an array of different trainers, SELF is a great resource for no-equipment cardio workouts. Trust me, these have me breathing hard & dripping sweat. The circuits & exercises are also straightforward, so you don’t need to think too much about your form during the workout. 

    1. https://www.youtube.com/user/SelfMagazine 

  3. MADFIT workouts: If you’re in a place where you can’t be jumping around while you workout (like an apartment!), this is your girl! She makes the workouts fun, short, and available to anyone! Her ab circuits are especially rewarding.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpQ34afVgk8cRQBjSJ1xuJQ 

Tirachard Kumtanom

Lastly, if it’s nice out (and you can) — get outside! Go on a walk, a run, kick a ball, or just soak in some sunlight. I love going on hikes and shooting a basketball when it’s nice out. If you haven’t already, I would encourage you to try out one (or all) of these trainers. Release your endorphins, work up a sweat, and maintain a routine, even if you feel like you’re glued to a screen all day! 

Hi guys! My name is Clarissa (or CC for short) and I am class of 2022 at Williams. I am a member of the Women's Ice Hockey team and I am a Psychology major with a Neuroscience concentration & French certificate. Hope my articles make you smile :)