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Emily Veith
Wellness > Health

Sleepless In Seattle? 3 Tips To Upgrade Your Sleep Routine

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Midterms, papers, exams, two-hour lectures, quizzes, hours upon hours of homework — so much to do as college students and so little time. Sleep is for the weak, right? Well, it shouldn’t be. Sleep is the No. 1 thing that helps to maximize our energy, focus, and mood throughout the day, but it’s the first thing that’s sacrificed when we get stressed and overwhelmed with how much stuff we have on our plates as UW students. Sleep is so important, and I know you know that, but I also know how easy it is to stay up just a little bit longer to get that assignment done. Staying up for that extra hour night after night eventually catches up with you, projecting you into a perpetual cycle of exhaustion, leaving you unmotivated and unfocused during the day. And trust me on this one, going to class or doing homework while sleep-deprived is no fun. So, if I haven’t made myself clear, Huskies, we don’t want to be sleepless in Seattle. 

Prioritizing your sleep takes work, but the benefits outweigh the costs second to none. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, “Sleepiness and poor sleep quality … [affect] academic performance and daytime functioning … college students with insomnia have significantly more mental health problems than college students without insomnia, [and] college students who pull ‘all nighters’ are more likely to have a lower GPA.” See, I told you sleep was important! If you want to keep those grades up, that body healthy, and your mental health stable, get some sleep. Now, I hear you. You’re already so busy that prioritizing your sleep can feel like another task on your never-ending to-do list for the day. But, luckily for you, I have compiled a short and simple list of three completely doable tips to help you prioritize and maximize your sleep as a college student.   

1. Desert the Device

My first tip is to put your devices away at least 30 minutes before going to sleep. I know that being a college student can make this difficult — those 12 a.m. deadlines can really get you — but staring at a screen right before going to sleep activates your brain and says it’s time to be awake, alert, and responsive, which is not ideal if you’re trying to get some Zs. In fact, “The blue light emitted by many devices disrupts the natural production of melatonin, a hormone that facilitates sleep and can throw off [your sleeping patterns],” reports the Sleep Foundation. So, it’s best to put the screen away at least 30 minutes before you plan to fall asleep. If this is not possible for you, try out some blue-light blocker glasses to minimize the impact of the blue-light from your screen on your brain and your sleep. 

2. Remedy your routine

Next up, establish a night routine. Do you like to read? Find a good book to read before you head to bed. Do you like tea? Drink some calming herbal tea (make sure it’s caffeine-free!) to get cozy and ready to sleep. Do you like to write? Start a journaling practice where you can reflect on and express gratitude for the events of your day before bed each night. Find activities and rituals that make you feel calm and comforted and incorporate them into your nighttime routine. Staying consistent with these activities and rituals will over time help to signal your brain that it is time for bed and to get restful sleep.

3. Beautify your bed

Now, you’ve likely heard the saying, “Make your room your sanctuary to get restful sleep,” but that can be hard when you are sharing a room with one, two, or three other roommates. Fear not! You don’t have to miss out on a good night’s sleep just because you’re sharing a room with roommates. My third and final tip is to make your bed your sanctuary. Dress your bed up with some cute and cozy sheets. Add a blanket to the foot of your bed that you can curl up in while reading a good book or drinking your tea. Find a fun throw pillow to level up your bed accessory game. As silly as it may sound, making these little additions to your bed will help you feel excited about getting ready to go to sleep, and that’s a superpower when trying to upgrade your sleep routine. 

Now, these are simply suggestions that I personally find really useful in helping to get restful sleep, but I know that it may not be possible to follow these tips every night, especially when you’ve got a paper due at midnight. So, just do your best! Try all of these suggestions and see what works for you. The main goal here is to help get you sleeping in Seattle. So, if all of these tips work for you, great, but if one or more of them don’t float your boat, that’s OK, too! 

Happy sleeping, Huskies, and sweet dreams! 

Kelen Tamurian

Washington '26

Hi! My name is Kelen Tamurian, I am a writer for the HerCampus team at the University of Washington, and I love writing and being creative more than anything in the world. My favorite thing about writing is the ability it provides to connect with others; I love how writing can bring people together, encourage difficult and probing conversations, generate smiles and laughter, and create a safe space for people to be vulnerable with themselves and with others. My hometown is Fox Island, Washington, aka the home of the most incredible sunsets on earth! My favorite food is sweet potatoes... I know, I know, it sounds weird, but hear me out, you can put literally anything on a sweet potato and it tastes good: avocado, peanut butter or almond butter, cheese, ketchup, chocolate, literally anything! My favorite activities are painting, making ceramic pottery, reading in the sunshine, going for walks along the water, listening to podcasts or music, and cooking or baking. My best friend is my little brother and family is everything to me!