College teaches you a lot, in and outside of classes. Even in the first year, important lessons are learned In and out of the classroom.
How I transform my long-winded commute into a worthwhile journey.
Not only do group projects require us to work with our peers, but they are also intrinsically linked to the development of our collaboration and community-building skills that will...
Developing a relationship shortly before college meant facing the scary idea of long distance.
Learning disabilities are extremely common. There were a reported 7.5 million reported students between the ages of 3-21 receiving special education or related services in 2022-2023. That’s a lot...
Some reasons why the honors college could be worth it for you!
From presentations to social media, schedules, videos, photo editing, and more, Canva is THE app!
Social advice from a college Senior to the new freshmen class on ways to avoid several relational faux pas in your first year.
Since the end of the semester is coming to a close and I am sure most people are stressed right now, I have listed out five ways on how...
In just 5 semesters, I can say I am a college graduate. (Well in June, but still.) It doesn’t seem like enough time. The memories I’ve made, the lifelong...