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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

As a very go-go overachiever, burnout is almost inevitable at some point. I have always been the type of person that wants to do everything all at once and soak up as much as possible. I always want to experience everything I possibly can and move on to the next thing as quickly as possible to do more. I am sure many can relate to those statements. The academic and career pressures of college only add to this somewhat toxic mentality. As someone that forgets to pause and ends up facing the inevitable consequences, here are some simple tips to slow down and still succeed at a steady pace.

The most obvious tip is to meet your basic needs. Of course, get enough good quality sleep. Yes, I am also guilty of falling asleep with my phone in hand and makeup still on. Getting good sleep is a little more complicated than just laying down and closing your eyes. Having a good night routine and consistently falling and staying asleep can fully affect how your day goes. Making sure that you drink enough water is all around beneficial as well. To help not only the environment but also yourself, invest in a reusable water bottle. My personal favorite for living in a college dorm is the Brita filtered water bottle. The cult-favorite insulated steel Hydroflask water bottle is also a worthwhile investment. Making sure that you consistently consume a sufficient amount of high nutrient food can also improve your day and overall your overall quality of life. Once you have these three basics down you have a strong foundation!

Other than the super obvious good sleep, good eats and good water, quite literally just breathing can be an internal brake pedal. Stopping whatever it is you are doing and taking a few deep breaths can be a great mini reset. I love this method because it is so simple to do and is a reset that can be done anywhere at any time. Especially if you are like me and easily get tongue-tied talking, slowing down can help confidently get your point across.

Another simple strategy to reset and refocus is to simply get up and move especially after hours of homework. Taking a step away from your laptop and stretching for not even a minute is a great way to physically and mentally reset. Going on a walk or even taking a longer route to class is an easy way to implement a moment to yourself during a busier day. The TikTok trend hot girl walk has a lot of examples for how to make a simple self-care walk more exciting. While this is over repeated advice, making it a habit to go to the gym a few times a week and do whatever makes you feel the best and happiest physically is beneficial for several reasons that I can not fit into this article.

Lastly, finding a method of planning that works best for you is the final key to avoiding burnout over time. Personally, I prefer the old fashion mini planner. Some prefer an online calendar, Notion or an app. Essentially, the key to staying steady and avoiding burnout for those who are fast-paced and all over the place like me is to implement the basic beneficial habits piece by piece and go from there.

Salma is a junior at VCU majoring in digital journalism and minoring in psychology. She loves iced coffee, going out with her girls, and watching old movies.