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How to Balance a College Schedule With Your 2016 Fitness Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Utah chapter.

Alright, you made the goal to workout at the gym and achieve those rock-solid abs, glutes, and arms…but now that the semester’s started, it’s that much harder to get up and go to the gym with the essays and equations calling. We’ve all been there, believe it or not your goals are still achievable. 

1. Reality Check, Please.


Is your New Year’s Resolution compliant with your school schedule? Working out at the gym for 2 hours a day with 22 credits is most likely a no-go, and will only end in another resolution that becomes a “let’s try again next year” ordeal.  Alter your goal to best fit your school schedule; figure out which days are jam-packed and which are more flexible for your gym time.  If some days are just not compatible with working out, then that’s ok! Keep school as your number one and fit working out around that!

2. Multi-tasking: It’s a Thing.

If you have to watch a movie for a class, read a book, or need to study, many times that can be done at the gym. While getting in cardio, you could listen to an audiobook, read a book, or watch the movie. A strategy for studying is to record flashcards onto an iPod or phone, then listen to them while you run. Geeky? Yes. But you hit two birds with one stone.

3.  Alternate Between Studying and Working Out!

If you’ve got a full day of studying ahead of you, it’s optimal to take breaks to allow new information to sink in! While you take those breaks, instead of continuing to binge-watch on Netflix, workout in the interim! Read a couple chapters then pause for an ab workout, or for every math problem you complete do ten squats.

4. Netflix and Chill on the Treadmill

At the end of the day, nothing sounds better than relaxing on the couch with Gilmore Girls, but when you’re on a college schedule, every hour counts. Make unwind time, grind-time and watch Netflix while you workout! It will be more treadmill and less chill, but if you’re aching to see the next episode of Gossip Girl and still get that body, this is the easiest way to do it.

5.  Make a Plan, Follow the Plan, Repeat.

In the mornings before your day begins, or at night before bed, or during downtime in class, write down your schedule for the day and figure out where you can squeeze in gym time. Taking the time to write it down will make it a reality instead of just a “maybe… if I have time” thing.

6.   Operation: Motivation

Whatever you really want to work for, you will make happen, and having an object of motivation will help propel you to success. Maybe you’ve always wanted to run a half-marathon, maybe you want to flaunt your bikini-body for Spring Break, maybe you have a fitness competition or pageant in the near future; whatever it is, let it be your motivation. Get some guy or gal pals who have that same motivation, and help each other see it until the end.

Good luck with the new semester, Colliegettes, and good luck with your health and wellness goals!

Her Campus Utah Chapter Contributor