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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UIC chapter.

AHHH midterms are here! I know, it feels like everything is starting to weigh in on you. The workload may seem endless, the exams may stress you out, but there are ways to manage your midterm period! Here are a few things I have learned to do in order to stay motivated during finals week.

Complete the Week’s Homework

If I know that I am having a week full of exams, I find it really helpful to go ahead and complete all my homework for the week. Although it gets very boring and includes a lot of busy work, the outcome is definitely worth it. This allows you the time to focus solely on studying for the exam.

Study with Friends and Go Out After

This has been one of the most effective ways I learn to study. I tend to spend several hours at a time cramming for an exam at the library with a few friends. After complete insanity, we treat ourselves by going out to eat together. This motivates you to complete your studying through a self-reward system. Not only this, but socializing afterwards will ease your stress and make sure you’re not cramming an unnecessary amount of information too late into the evening.

Read the Syllabus

It sounds redundant, but reading the syllabus multiple times helps you figure out how much an exam is really worth; it tells you how many points you can afford to miss. You can also catch some details that will boost your grade in the long run. For example, your teachers may drop a test, offer extra credit, or allow for some sort of makeups for missed grades.

Find Your Study Tool

Everyone studies differently. I find that if I sit through a lecture, I will not fully grasp the material. As a visual learner, I immediately resort to reliable Youtube channels that give different explanations about a topic. I also find diagrams and pictures to be very beneficial when recalling information. Some people may prefer rewriting things out, reading the textbook, or even simply attending outside sessions. Finding what works best for you is the most effective way to retain information.

Time Yourself

Sometimes I do struggle with distractions while I try to study. Whether the TV is on or I begin scrolling through posts social media, it wastes hours of study time. I find that timing yourself is the best way to discipline yourself and your study tactics. For example, try setting your timer for 45 minutes and study during that time. After the 45 minutes is up, take 10-15 minutes to go on social media, take a mental break, or do something fun. After that short break is over, simply repeat the cycle.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Having a general positive perspective towards your exams is guaranteed to impact your performance on them. Even though you may find the content difficult, motivate yourself by having a positive mindset. Stepping into an exam with a predetermined negative mindsets is a leading cause to failure.

Hello everyone! My name is Ranya and I am a student at the University of Illinois at Chicago. I am undeclared and on the pre-med track. Something to know about me is that I love exploring the city, so you could always catch me biking around!
UIC Contributor.