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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Maintaining our mental health is not always easy, so knowing how to get back to your best self is essential! Below are 10 ways that I help myself out of a slump. 

1. Be Hygenic

By college age, I assume we all know how to take part in basic hygiene, but when you’re in a mental slump, getting up to take care of your body can be pushed to the side. Make sure you get to the bathroom to brush your teeth right when you wake up. This will help you feel refreshed and more awake for the day to come. Next, hop in the shower! A body shower is always necessary, but wash your hair too! Let the conditioner sit while you wash your face. 

When you get out of the shower, put on some clean and comfy clothes and comb out that fresh, smooth hair. Deodorant and perfume are essential to feeling good, too, even if you aren’t leaving the house. 

2. Exercise

Exercising may feel like a chore to most, but putting effort into your physical health will automatically improve your mental state. If you aren’t a consistent gym-goer, do some research online to find a workout that would be fun to try! I personally dread going to the gym, but if I go with a plan and my calorie-counting watch, it’s much easier to get through a workout. I sweat it out until I burn my target calories and leave feeling sweaty but AMAZING. If you don’t have access to a gym, even a walk around the block to get your feet moving can do the trick. I recommend exercising in the morning to get your blood flowing and give your day a good boost. 

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

3. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Make sure you are sleeping enough at night so that you only sleep at night! I know that when I am in a mental slump, I can nap for hours. If I am well rested from the night and spend the day out of my bed, I don’t feel the need to sleep the day away – allowing me to be more active and present throughout the day.

4. Eat Healthily 

Quick snacks are good but rarely good for your body. Nourishing your body will make you physically feel at your best. Eating colorful, balanced meals will naturally lead to you feeling your best mentally. One of my favorite things to do is find a healthy recipe that I would like to try, go to the store, and then come home and cook the meal myself. This not only gives me something to do but also gives me something delicious and healthy to eat!

Vegan dinner and vegetables on a table
Photo by Ella Olsson from Pexels

5. Read

I am not huge on reading, but when I find a book that interests me, it feels good to read even five pages each day. If you can’t find time during the day, keep a book by your bed so you can get a few minutes of reading in before bed; it’ll help lead to a better night’s sleep than looking at a screen!

6. Relocate

Get. Out. Of. Your. Bed. That’s my biggest advice. Make your bed after you wake up, so you’re less inclined to climb back in throughout the day. And if you can, spend the day outside of your bedroom. 

7. Journal

Whether in an actual journal or on a piece of scrap paper, write out your thoughts, goals, ideas, stressors, or even just a list of what you need to accomplish throughout the week. No thought is too small to write out. This is a great way to get thoughts out of your head and free your mind.


8. Clean Up

If you’re anything like me, a good sign that you’re mentally slipping is a stack of dishes on your dresser and clothes all over the floor. Maybe your makeup is all scrambled, and your bedroom trash is overflowing. Put on your favorite TV show or podcast and take 15-20 minutes to organize! When your space looks good, you’ll feel good. 

9. Reconnect

Your mentality will stem from those who surround you. It could be beneficial to reach out to an old friend or a family member you haven’t seen in a while. Grabbing lunch, FaceTiming, or even exchanging a few texts can give you the refresher you need and a nice reminder of how wide your social circle is. 

Three women talking with flowers
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez from Unsplash

10. Disconnect – No, it’s not a typo advising you to disconnect right after saying to reconnect.

I think it’s important to step away from social media for a while. I know it’s a lifeline for most people our age, so I’m not going to tell you to take a month-long TikTok to cleanse. But, if you logged out of social media long enough to take a shower, clean your room, workout, eat, read, and journal, you would have completed almost everything on my list! Social media is how we look into others’ lives, so make sure you take time for yourself.


Ten steps may seem like a lot, but testing out just one of my techniques could make a world of difference. Stay well!

Autumn Delorey

U Mass Amherst '23

Autumn is a content editor for UMass Amherst's chapter of Her Campus. She is a junior Journalism major with a concentration in Public Relations.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst