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Kristen Bryant-Thinking In A Lala College Sweatshirt
Kristen Bryant-Thinking In A Lala College Sweatshirt
Kristen Bryant / Her Campus
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

There comes a point during a conversation after you exchange hellos. “How are you?” and usually, we brush this question off with a simple “Oh, I’m fine”,  “I’m okay”, or “I’m great!”

We keep our answers short and sweet, no matter whether it’s a lie or not. I’m not sure if it’s to be polite or if it’s so that we don’t burden others with our problems. 

But ask yourself. How are you, really? Maybe ask your friends and family this question, too. 

If you feel the stress and burden that comes with school or as if you constantly find yourself stuck in your thoughts, maybe it’s time to take a step back and take care of yourself. After all, if you don’t have the proper mindset, nothing else will follow. It’s best to do things when you feel your best. 

Here are some steps you can take to get yourself back on track.

Consider Therapy 

Schedule an appointment with student health services. This is easy to do online. When the day of your appointment comes, you will take a survey of questions asking how you feel. Your counselor will then see your results in the evaluation. Feel free to then speak your mind and ask questions about how you can proceed further. They may offer workshops or group counseling. You can even go to student disability services to see if there is something that is challenging you to keep up with your academics. Whatever floats your boat.

Prioritize Sleep

Prioritize sleep. Prioritize sleep. Prioritize sleep.

I cannot stress this enough. If you’re in the middle of doing school work at midnight and nothing seems to be clicking, go to bed. If you’re stuck in your thoughts, go to bed. Sometimes sleep is all we need. Although it’s difficult to get on a bed time schedule, aim for your 8 hours each night. Sleep can make all the difference.

Reach Out

Let your circle know. Whether it be your friends, family, or both. It’s easy to stay silent when you are suffering. It’s better to keep your circle in the loop than not. That way, they can accommodate your needs if need be.

Make a Happy Board!

Create a happy board in your room! Like a vision board, but instead of your goals, you just have happy photos and quotes. I printed out photos of adventures with my friends and inspirational quotes I found on Pinterest. I taped these up on my bedroom wall where I can easily see them. This has made my bedroom an even more positive environment. I love looking at my happy board because the cute photos of my friends remind me of the good times I have had, and will have in the future. The inspirational quotes let me speak positivity into existence and remind me to come down to Earth when I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. It’s seriously helped me stay optimistic! I highly recommend making your bedroom a relaxing and positive environment. This is where you start and end your days, afterall. 

Take these tips with a grain of salt. We all know what works for us and what doesn’t work for us. But just know that you are not alone. Do not be afraid to reach out for help. 

And lastly, you will be okay. 

Much love.

Hey there! My name is Kat Desheva and I am a nutrition major and public health minor at Texas A&M University. I like to take photos, go on runs, and ugly laugh with my friends.