In a world often mutilated by societal pressures and historical burdens, the Black Community has turned to the transformative power of art as a beacon of hope and healing.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. John's chapter.Joselle Sunico recently graduated from Queens College with a B.A. in psychology and a...
College can be unquestionably stressful. Being away from home, exams, difficult classes, it can all add up. There are no exact ways to deal with stress, however there are...
I grew up with undiagnosed anxiety and OCD. Since being diagnosed and getting into counseling, I have realized that I come a long way.
“I asked Song Psychic, ‘Does my crush know who I am?’ to which it responded, ‘NO’ by Meghan Trainor… at least I can be thankful I get honest answers...
From strangers I see at coffee shops, their beautifully crafted clothing style or the way that their hair blows in the wind, or how I see my own thoughts...
I have been to five different therapists in the last seven years, and none of them have worked for me. Even though I failed to receive the therapy I...
This is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
I have OCD; can you tell me what that really means?