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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OK State chapter.

With busy schedules it can be hard to find the time to focus on yourself mentally, physically and emotionally. Self care is a great way to find activities that work to help improve overall health and happiness and making time to do a couple activities a day are important in keeping up with yourself and your well being. Here are some ideas to help get you started on your self care journey.

  1. Eating a healthy breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so starting off your morning with a nutritious meal is beneficial in providing the energy you need through the day. 

  2. Clean your space. I love taking the time to organize and clean areas of use whenever I have free time. I feel like when things are clean I have everything put together and I am able to relax knowing so!

  3. Limiting social media. I personally like limiting the amount of time I spend on social media as it can keep me from being productive. I think that we can sometimes get too wrapped up in others’ lives that we miss some of our own. So even if it’s for 30 minutes, taking that time to put the phone down and focus on yourself is crucial in starting to grow and putting yourself first.

  4. Listen to podcasts/music. Recently I’ve been getting into podcasts and they have helped me see things more from other perspectives. It’s a great way to learn and grow from others all while being entertained! 

  5. Writing/Journaling. Journaling is a great way to express emotions and how you’re feeling. There is no right or wrong way to journal so anything you’d like to write about is up to you. It has been a great tool that has helped me to reflect and grow more as an individual.


There are so many ways to take care of yourself and making time to do a couple activities a day are great ways to start doing so. Anything that you need for yourself should be prioritized, it’s recognizing those needs and finding ways to work on those things. So take more time to put yourself first, you deserve it!

Senior majoring in Human Resources with a minor in Marketing at Oklahoma State.