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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

TikTok has done it again. It’s not the first time and definitely not the last time that TikTok will glamorize a basic daily activity. With an appealing new name, walking has become a trend.

Originated by TikToker Mia Lind (@exactlyliketheothergirls), the Hot Girl Walk is a four-mile outdoor mindfulness walk where you are only allowed to think about three things: things you are grateful for, how hot you are, and your goals. The Hot Girl Walk has changed into many different forms adjusting to personal preferences and time constraints, but the objective remains the same: walking to improve physical and mental wellbeing

HGWs are a great way to make time for yourself, especially as the schoolwork load is beginning to grow, so here are nine ways to enhance yours: 

  1. Walk at Sunset 

Why not add a gorgeous background to your hot girl walk? Walking at sunset adds a nice ambiance to your stroll.

Pro Tip: Before your walk, check the weather app to see what time sunset is and plan to start your walk 30-45 minutes before the given time. This way you will be able to watch the entire sunset and make it home before dark!

  1. Walk With a Friend

Sometimes hot girl walks can get repetitive or seem a little TOO introspective. Going on a walk with a friend gives you the time to debrief out loud or listen to what may be going on in their life. According to the Heart Foundation, “the relationships built during these meet-ups will allow walkers the opportunity to seek advice and support when they’re facing challenges or tough times.”

Scheduling a time to walk with a friend can also keep you both accountable for the time you are allotting for your mental and physical health while also creating positive experiences for you both!

  1. Walk to a Destination 

Let’s be real. Sometimes it’s hard to motivate yourself to go outside for a walk because essentially what you’re doing is walking in a big circle. To spice up your walk, pick a fun destination to walk to! Whether it be to Target (to walk around aimlessly and buy things you don’t need), your favorite coffee shop (to grab a quick sip or treat), or even a friend’s house. A destination can incentivize you to get up and walk.

I personally love walking to Pavement Coffee House and grabbing a matcha latte for the second half of my walk. 

  1. Change Up Your Routes

Walking the same route consistently can get boring and tiresome. If you’re in a city, do a quick Google search of walking routes in your area for new ideas! If you’re in a smaller town, look up local parks where you can go walking!

In my hometown in New Jersey, I would sometimes drive to different parks or locations to change up my walking route. 

  1. Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts are amazing because there are infinitely many topics and speakers to choose from, so there is something for everyone. Whether you are in the mood to relax and do some self-reflection, learn more about a topic you are interested in from an expert or have a quick laugh with a comedian, there’s a podcast out there for you.

One of my personal favorite podcasts is Armchair Expert by Dax Shepard on Spotify. In each episode, Dax aims to “discover human truths” by talking with a variety of celebrity, professional and anonymous guest speakers about their life experiences.   

  1. Call Someone You Love 

The people in your life love to hear from you! Whether it be your mom, dad, sibling or best friend, talking to someone you love on your walk can brighten your day and theirs too! While walking, you can debrief and update your loved one about your life, and they can do the same to you. It’s a perfect time to catch up while also getting all the health benefits of a HGW. It also makes the time pass super fast.

  1. Dress Up for the Occasion

Go put on that workout set that you bought but have never worn. The clothes we wear affect how we think. According to the theory of enclothed cognition, clothing has the power to dictate mood and performance. Therefore, wearing athletic clothing will make you more motivated to go on your walk and even walk the extra mile. 

  1. Make a Hot Girl Walk Playlist

There’s nothing like a good playlist. You can either make your own with your personal favorites or find one out of the thousands on Spotify or Apple Music. Music provides the perfect escape allowing you to tune out your surroundings and tune into yourself. Music boosts dopamine, and exercise boosts serotonin so a HGW with both will work miracles for your happiness hormones. 

  1. Prepare for Your Walk! 

Lastly, get ready for your walk beforehand to ensure you have the best walk possible! First off, wear a good pair of walking shoes. You definitely don’t want to cut your walk short due to foot pain. Second, don’t forget your headphones! You’re going to want your playlist or podcast to accompany you on your walk. Third, if you know you’re going to be walking for a while, pack a water bottle! You’ll thank yourself later. Fourth, plan where you’re going to go ahead of time. It can be demotivating and time-consuming to wander around if you don’t have a clear path or destination in mind. Lastly, wear sunscreen! You don’t want your wonderful Hot Girl Walk to be the cause of sunburn. 

Just remember, Hot Girl Walks are all about you! Do whatever makes you feel comfortable and your walk will instantly be enhanced.   

Ellee Tomaru

Northeastern '25

Ellee Tomaru is a third year psychology student at Northeastern University. She loves going to Core Power Yoga, reading, and trying new restaurants.