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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Muhlenberg chapter.

Feeling and being healthy is one of the most important aspects of life, especially in college. When I first got to college, I was not taking care of myself. I was taking 4 challenging classes and, on top of that, I was playing a college sport and exerting myself every day. After about a month of being at school, I started to become sick more and more often. It started with a cold, then double ear infections, and then some serious tonsillitis. It was not fun and I spent a lot of time missing class to go to the doctor. Being sick was a complete drag and kept me from enjoying this new lifestyle called “college”.

It wasn’t until I talked to a doctor that I realized I wasn’t taking care of myself. I was tired all the time and I really felt bad. I wasn’t eating enough healthy foods to replenish what I had burned off in practice, and I wasn’t giving my body enough rest time to recover. After I heard that from my doctor, I made some complete changes to my lifestyle. I did some research about better healthy eating for college athletes, and worked on more time management to provide myself with more sleep. After putting all of this together, I tried it out.  

I ate more protein, fruits, and vegetables. I promised myself I would be in bed 30 minutes to an hour earlier. I even added vitamins to my daily routine to avoid the sicknesses I had already had enough of. To my surprise, this actually worked. 

Within the first two months of college, I realized that, if you are not healthy, you can’t succeed. If you feel bad all the time, you won’t accomplish what you want to. Eating better, getting more sleep, and keeping yourself away from germs can really help. 

Even when my field hockey season ended, I made sure to go to the gym every day. Exercising releases serotonin, which makes you feel good. It is good for your mental health and gives you a good sweat and keeps you in shape. I have realized that exercising is something that I cannot live without. It keeps my head clear and focused.

It is incredibly important that you take care of yourself when you first come to college. You are exposed to so many new things, in both positive and negative ways. You have to keep yourself away from things that can bring you down. This will really inhibit what you can accomplish.  College is the most fun time in your life. It won’t be as fun as you want it to be if you don’t feel healthy!

Michaela is a Childhood Education Major with Concentrations in Math and Spanish at Manhattan College. She will be continuing her studies in the Masters program at Manhattan, and earn a Masters Degree in Special Education. She was a member of Her Campus at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA and is now the Campus Correspondent and Senior Editor at Manhattan! She is beyond excited to be a Jasper and that she found her home at MC!   
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Ali Senal

Muhlenberg '18

Muhlenberg '18 Grad with a BA in Theatre and Jewish studies. My hobbies include sleeping, movies, and spreading vegan propaganda. Former Editor-in-Chief of Muhlenberg Her Campus.