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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Finals week is among us which means that everyone is going to be stressed or overwhelmed. Instead of giving you tips on how to study, I am going to give you a couple of ideas on how to stay healthy physically and mentally this finals season. 

Drink Plenty Of Water

Although this applies to every day, not just finals week, drinking enough water is very important for your overall health. When people first think of finals week, they think of coffee or energy drinks. These caffeinated beverages do help when needed, but if you do not drink enough water you will most likely feel tired, have a headache, and feel unmotivated. Water has so many health benefits and drinking enough is very easy. If you do not love the taste of water, try adding some fresh fruits or lemon juice.

Eat Food That Will Fuel You

Proper nutrition will help keep you focused and feeling good. Fast food or microwavable meals are convenient but may leave you feeling tired. Instead, cook a meal with whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and veggies. This will keep you and your brain fueled while studying. Also, cooking can be a good break from studying.

Get Enough Sleep

I feel like this is a super easy tip, but many people ignore it. Sleep is crucial to keeping your mind clear, retaining information, and keeping motivated. While planning your schedule, make sure to carve out enough time to get a decent amount of sleep each night and especially before your finals. 

Get In Some Exercise

Exercise is not only a good break but also helps to lower your stress levels. This week is one of the most stressful times of the year. If you normally exercise, make sure to schedule enough time to stick to your usual, or close to usual, routine. Whether it be a short walk, long run, or weight-lifting, you will feel recharged when you continue studying.

Take Real Breaks 

Although short breaks are good for rewards while studying, you do not want to burn yourself out. Make sure to give yourself time to take longer breaks to destress. Some break ideas are exercising, watching your favorite show, cooking a homemade meal, or doing a face mask. Making sure you’re not feeling burnt out is important to both your mental and physical health. 

I hope some of these tips help to keep you feeling happy and healthy during finals week. Each may seem very basic but are key to keeping your mental and physical health in good shape. Good luck studying!

Maia is a freshman at Michigan State University majoring in finance. She is passionate about fitness, health, fashion, and beauty. During her free time she loves shopping, cooking, and spending time with friends and family.