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Easy Ways to Keep Yourself Healthy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

We’ve all felt the struggle of trying to live a healthy lifestyle but falling short in the crazy world we live in. With the whole world seeming as if it’s on pause right now, it can be easy to fall into a slump and indulge in unhealthy habits; but it’s also a great time to try to get into new routines to promote a healthy lifestyle. These simple tips will make a great improvement on your physical and mental health.


This is something that I only recently started doing; but so far, I am loving it! I haven’t stretched much in the past, so I needed a little guidance. Luckily, the all-knowing YouTube was all I needed. I’m starting slowly, so I looked up 10-minute morning stretch. I found a channel called Yoga with Kassandra that I really enjoy. I like Kassandra because she’s very beginner friendly but gives ideas on how to make the stretch more intense if desired. I like to stretch in the morning because sometimes I feel a little tight, but anytime of the day can be beneficial. It’s a quick way to wake me up, get rid of any kinks from a long night’s rest and get me focused on my day ahead.


Obviously all exercise is great, but I feel like people sleep on the health benefits of just taking a simple walk. Increased cardio health, improved health of blood pressure, cholesterol, joints, and stronger bones are all great benefits. Especially now with the gyms closed and being cooped up all day, walking is a great way to improve your health and get some Vitamin D in the sun.

Cook Your Own Meals

Restaurants may be closed, but your kitchen is open! Not to mention there’s never been more time to try your hand at cooking. Making your own meals not only saves you money, but is so much better for you because you know exactly what you’re putting into your body. Processed meals can contain so many preservatives, even the “healthy” meals are debatable. You can decide your own portions and ingredients and it will make you feel great!

Find a Hobby

With all the uncertainty and stress of trying to make our world virtual, it’s important to try to find things just for yourself to be a mental escape. Indulging in a hobby is a good way to prioritize your mental health, and not to mention is super fun.

Call Your Friends

It can be a little lonely in isolation, so make sure to catch up with your friends over video chat or traditional phone call. Sometimes I think I just want to be left alone, but I end up feeling so much more refreshed and energized after catching up with a good friend (though admittedly I am very extroverted!), nevertheless, I’m sure it will do you and your friends good to hear from each other!

Eat Breakfast

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I love starting my day off on the right foot. Breakfast helps give you attention for the day ahead, keeps you fuller longer so you don’t over eat for lunch and jumpstarts your metabolism (helping you lose weight)! The most beneficial breakfast is one high in protein, fiber, fruits/veggies, and a little bit of whole grains. For example, I love to make a smoothie jam packed of fruits and yogurt, an english muffin with honey and cinnamon and eggs. Bonus tip: water and/or an apple will actually wake you up more than a cup of coffee!

Clean Your Workspace

Small but makes a huge difference. It’s hard for your mind to be clear if your physical environment is covered in junk. Make your bed every morning, clear off your desk and pick up your laundry. I know it sounds stupid but it will make you feel ontop of it. It’s a simple task to get your day on the right foot.

Get Dressed

Every morning, after my stretches, I change my clothes. Granted, I’m absolutely still in sweatpants or leggings, but I don’t keep on the same pajamas I slept in so I can feel like the day has started and it’s time to get work done. If I stay in my pajamas I will just want to crawl right back into bed. Getting dressed helps me get ready to tackle the day! 

Avoid fad diets and “get thin quick” schemes

Honestly, I don’t like to diet at all; it just makes me feel bad about myself when I give into something I should probably go without. Just try to be overall mindful about what you’re eating, and don’t get stuck on however many calories you ate or beat yourself up over having a cupcake. I especially hate fad diets which if aren’t totally unreasonable and hard to stick with, have you trying to cut out one food group entirely or just starve yourself. Remember, all food groups need to be consumed in moderation. Yes, even fats and sodium have their proper place.

Give Yourself a Break!

Of course some days will be better than others, and making the switch to a healthy lifestyle can be very difficult, but remember, you’re doing this to help yourself feel and be your best. If a bowl of ice cream will make you happy, I say go for it. Remember that you are a strong human doing amazing things and you’re entitled to life simple pleasures. This goes for work as well, after a long week of working hard, reward yourself with some Netflix. I know at home it can be hard for me to stop working and start relaxing in the same room, but remember to not work yourself to death and give yourself breaks. You don’t ned to be a productivity machine 24/7. It’s really important for your mental health to slow down a little bit!

Some simpler than others, these are some tips that I try to use to live my healthiest life possible. See if they work for you!


HXCO, Lyss 

Alyssa Dicker

Millersville '20

Alyssa will be graduating in May 2020 with her bachelors in Communications-Public Relations. She also is double minoring in English-Journalism and Marketing. Drawing inspiration from her relationship since 2014, Alyssa's favorite topics to write about are relationships and relationship advice. After school, she is getting married in October to her fiance Brandon, an ICU nurse at UPMC Pinnacle. Professionally, she hopes to work somewhere where she can be an advocate for children.