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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

I would be lying if I said getting to this point had been easy. For as long as I can remember, my depression has hidden in the shadows of my mind, showing itself at the worst possible times. One minute I could be laughing with friends and the next I want to crawl into bed and block out the world.

In the past few years, I’ve found ways to keep my depression under control (for the most part). Knowing how to not give in to the way I feel when I have a depressive episode has made a world of difference. Here are some ways I own the way I feel and manage my depression in healthy ways.


Talking To Someone I Trust

Whether it’s my sister, my friends, or my boyfriend, I express the way I’m feeling and seek guidance from them. Having a support system in my life has made a huge difference when it comes to my depression. Going through it alone is almost always a bad choice for me personally. I tend to feel so much better once I talk about what is going on in my head.


I can’t even express how much journaling has helped me recently. Putting my thoughts down on paper makes me free from the mess that is normally going on in my head. This is great if you don’t always have someone to talk to or you feel that you would be bothering them with your thoughts. I notice that this also helps a lot with my anxiety so it’s really been a win-win.

Working Out

Being active by lifting weights, doing cardio, or even just stretching is something that clears my head from the overwhelming thoughts. It can be difficult to pull myself out of my depressive state, but when I can, exercise is extremely helpful. Even something as little as taking a walk can pull me out of my own head and push away my unhealthy state of mind.

Keeping Busy

Watching television, doing schoolwork, or reading a book are some things I do when I’m feeling particularly down. Keeping my brain stimulated keeps me from giving in to the thoughts swimming in my head. Focusing on being productive or the characters in a show prevents me from giving in to my depressive thoughts. 

Doing My Favorite Things

Being with my friends, taking a summer drive, and shopping are a few things I like to do to combat my negative thoughts. Focusing on the things I love boosts my happiness and helps keep my mood stable. Letting negative thoughts and feelings take over is much harder when I’m doing things that only make me happy. Being out in the sun is currently one of my favorite things to do when I need a boost.

Making Time For Myself

Being alone was something that really triggered my depression, but I quickly realized that it didn’t HAVE to. I never liked being alone until I started having self-care days. I set a few hours aside every week to be by myself and focus on the things I love about myself. I paint my nails, exfoliate, do a facemask, and just focus on ME. It makes a world of difference when you take time to appreciate yourself instead of dragging yourself down.

Finding the things that help keep your moods stable and consistent makes a huge difference if you are suffering from depression. It is important to remember that everyone is different and what works for me may not work so well for you. Getting to know yourself and discovering what affects you positively and negatively is what I believe to be the key to keeping your depression at bay. Taking the time to focus on the way I feel during certain times and due to certain things made all the difference. 

Cat Mom. Journalism Major. HUGE Harry Styles Fan. True Crime Lover.