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Wellness > Mental Health

5 Ways to Practice Self Care in 2020

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GA Tech chapter.

It’s a new year, which means there’s a new chance to do better by yourself! Starting off the year with some self-love and rejuvenation could set 2020 off to a great start. I know that making time for yourself can seem like a task, or something additional to your schedule, but making time for yourself can be beneficial, enjoyable, and simple. Here are 5 ways to practice self-love and care this year:


When you take care of your body, it’ll take care of you. A part of self-care is watching what you put into your body and making sure that you get an adequate amount of exercise. It’s important to eat properly, drink lots of water, and get your blood pumping. As a college student, one of my favorite ways to alleviate stress is to exercise while listening to music. I never hesitate to make a trip to the gym a couple of times during the week. I always leave feeling better and like I’ve taken a load off. You may not have time to go twice a week but make a concerted effort to go as often as you can and to take care of yourself physically. Check out more tips and benefits related to exercise through Amherst College.

Spa Day

Spa days don’t have to be expensive, and you don’t even have to leave the house. You can get a couple of masks from Walmart, or ingredients to make your own. Grab some Epsom Salt, bath bombs, or bubbles and sit in the tub. Buy or make a foot tub and soak your feet. You deserve a day of relaxation like this. Your skin and body will thank you for it later. Check out these articles by Kristine Legaspi, 3rd year at UC Santa Barbara, and Dominique Melton, contributor at Towson University, for more details on this topic.

Music Therapy

This is an easier one. You don’t even have to miss a beat to achieve self-care through music. It’s such a natural part of our everyday, from walking to class to going to sleep. Pop in your headphones and let lyrics of relatable songs take you away. Turning the music on and the world off is something that we all need in order to distract us from other things that may be running through our head. Playing the right music at night can also be peaceful and help with sleep. You can even play instrumental music while you study. I, personally, love to play a little Mozart on low while I review for tests. It has never steered me wrong.

More Sleep

Sometimes, getting more sleep can seem impossible. With all of the hustle and bustle of everyday life, work, school, and more, it’s hard to find time to catch up on some Zs. However, getting a good night’s sleep every night can have benefits physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s so important. This can make the difference between being alert in your everyday life and being groggy. Check out these tips from Healthline about how to get better sleep at night.


I know that this is not feasible for everyone but taking a vacation can be so beneficial. It doesn’t have to be out of the country, there are plenty of great places to go that are an hour or a few hours away from you. Can’t make time for that? No worries! Sometimes, getting off of campus or away from a stressful environment can do wonders for your mood. Look at some local cafe’s, bookstores, or parks near you. I promise it’ll remind you of the beauty and peacefulness that life has to offer.

At the end of the day, make time for yourself in this new year. It’s so important and well deserved. You’ve worked hard for 365 days and it’s time that you repay yourself for all of that hard work. You may not be able to do these things daily, and you may even have to schedule it into your calendar, but make sure that you make yourself a priority in 2020.

My name is Jhazzmyn Joiner. I am a 4th year Literature, Media, and Communication Major at Georgia Tech. I enjoy writing, singing, and stepping in front of the camera sometimes. I was born in Las Vegas, NV (reasons my ig name is SinCity.Records). I enjoy doing things with my non-profit, The Joiner Foundation, Inc. (look us up!!!)