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Rhythm In The Rockies: My Top 3 Favorite Local Dance Studios

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Growing up immersed in the rhythm of shows and films like “So You Think You Can Dance?” “Step Up,” and “Stomp the Yard,” my love for dance was ignited early on. I was fascinated by the flow of bodies moving across the stage and screen and found myself enamored by the passion and power exhibited by each of the dancers. Eager to experience it, I began to educate myself on the different styles of dance—including ballet, jazz, modern, Latin, African, and hip hop—by exploring them within a class setting. Although it’s become more difficult to balance dance training with a full-time college course load, I still try to make it to an occasional class at one of my three favorite local dance studios:

If you need a safe space to just get up and groove, Alchemy of Movement is the place for you! With a focus on healthy living and personal growth, this studio emphasizes the importance of having fun by prioritizing creative motion over technique. Alchemy of Movement offers everything from dance to fitness-based classes, including Soul Sweat, GROOV3, Nia, BOLD Booty Blast, and Zumba. One of my personal favorites, Party Hip Hop, gives me the opportunity to learn new routines while revisiting the foundations of my favorite dance style in a low-pressure environment. If you’re a beginner in dance, returning after a long hiatus, or just looking to have some fun, I’d recommend visiting Alchemy of Movement!

For those of us who are wanting to connect with dance on a deeper level, Mi Chantli (formerly known as Block 1750) is the perfect spot! Eager to cultivate community and provide them with a safe space to create and explore, Mi Chantli’s main purpose is to “give dancers, poets, and artists a place to be.” While this particular studio has a strong focus on Hip Hop, they offer a wide range of classes in a variety of other dance styles, including Contemporary, Salsa, Burlesque and Capoeira. A favorite of mine, Femme Hip Hop, implements feminine movements into hip hop fundamentals, helping me feel confident and sexy while dancing. Whether you’re looking to find a welcoming and supportive community, explore your artistic side, or deepen your connection to dance, I’d suggest checking out Mi Chantli!

Looking for a studio where you can take your dance training to the next level? Collabratory Complex is worth the drive! Not only do they offer classes like Jazz Funk, Game Day, Heels, and Latin Fusion, but they frequently host pop-up master classes taught by renowned guest choreographers like Brian Friedman, Tricia Miranda, Wade Robson, JBlaze, and Janelle Ginestra. I always try to make the drive down to Collabratory Complex anytime Kira Leach comes back to Denver for a visit. The space she creates within her classes is so welcoming, encouraging, and fun that even if I’m struggling to pick up her challenging hip hop choreography, I’m still laughing and enjoying myself the entire time. If you’re searching for an enriching dance environment that pushes you to your limits and inspires you to become your best, I’d highly recommend giving Collabratory Complex a try!

While I can’t always make it to dance classes as frequently as I once did, I still can’t say enough amazing things about the local Colorado dance community and what it has to offer.  So, whether you’re looking to train and learn new choreography or just find a spot to “dance like nobody’s watching,” Alchemy of Movement, Mi Chantli, and Collabratory Complex are the perfect places to start!

Kristee Mikulski is a writer and member of the social media team at the Her Campus CU Boulder chapter. In her articles, she will frequently write about her own personal experiences, but also covers topics such as mental health, entertainment, celebrity profiles, and local life. Other than her involvement with Her Campus, Kristee is the Treasurer of the CU Boulder chapter of Tau Sigma National Honor Society and works as a freelance photographer and social media manager in her spare time. She also has over fifteen years of professional work experience in various fields ranging from veterinary medicine to the cannabis industry. She is currently a senior at CU Boulder, majoring in Strategic Communications with a focus in Advertising Strategy and minoring in Media Production. When she’s not writing for Her Campus or working on homework, Kristee enjoys binge-watching her favorite TV shows, testing out new baking recipes, and spending quality time with her husband (Andy) and two dogs (Ollie and Marley). She also has a passion for various forms of creative self-expression including dance, poetry, music, and art. On campus, you’re most likely to spot her studying in Norlin Library or one of the many college coffee shops.