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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Self-care. Self-love. Me time. Whatever you want to call it, self-care is important for everyone! We all need a little self-loving, am I right? A National Public Radio (NPR) article reported that millennials have an obsession with self-care, leading to a “$10 billion dollar self-care industry.” Of course, this money is going to products, such as workout classes, massages, therapy, or apps. But loving yourself doesn’t even have to cost a penny!

I was actually surprised by this number. Yes, I was shocked because $10 billion dollars is a lot of money, but I was also happy to hear that so many individuals want to better themselves, treat themselves, or just relax. No, I am not saying you need to spend money to chill out, but if you want to go buy that shirt or eat that pint of ice cream because you feel like you deserve it…you can! Sometimes when you’re in a bind, you need a little something-something to revive and rejuvenate yourself. But small acts of self-love don’t have to cost anything!

There are many ways to practice self-care. Simple things like taking a walk, watching your favorite movie, reading a book, taking a bath, or baking some cookies are some of the easy things you can do to mentally decompress. You can also take that boxing class you’ve been dying to try or have an in-home spa day. The important thing is simply that you take time to appreciate yourself and truly relax and unwind.

In today’s day and age, there is so much unnecessary stress. School and work are both becoming so much more competitive, causing many college students to stress over homework, grades, and their future. According to a recent NBC article, “more than 75 percent of all mental health conditions begin before age of 24,” such as depression and anxiety. This means it is crucial that we, as college students, take care of our mental well-being.

What I am trying to say is…treat yo self, especially when you need it. Little acts of self-care go a long way when you are stressed or you are going through a mental roadblock. Small things, like going for a walk, watching a movie, taking a nap, or buying those shoes you really want, could give you the boost you need at that moment. So go out and love yourself!


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Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.