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Wellness > Health

Lose the Freshman 15: To Nap Or To Go To The Gym? (The Answer Should Be Obvious)


Yesterday, I lived out a movie montage.

After a long day at work, I subway’d home, tired and groggy and cranky as I stood wedged between the bodies of strangers also on their rush hour commute home. At the back of my mind, the thought of my promise to go to the gym loomed. My feet hurt, crushed inside the heels I had worn all day. I started to think that maybe I’d just take a nap instead. I mean, I’d followed the Drop 10 Diet for the day, so I totally deserved to skip my workout, right? Just this once.

But then! The Shuffle Gods worked their magic on my iPod, and on came Perfect Day by Hoku (yes, from the Legally Blonde soundtrack). Movie-esque empowerment filled me—literally flooded me—in the most cheesy way possible. I started bopping along to my iPod. The guy next to me looked concerned.

Nap? I thought. Never. I have to go to the gym! On this perfect day, nothing’s standing in my way!

(Yes, my inner monologue occasionally does work like this, even if I’m not Elle Woods excitedly preparing for her seemingly eminent proposal to Warner Huntington III.)

Anyway, I digress. After I got off the subway, I bounded up the platform, to my apartment, past an old man smoking on the stoop and up five flights of stairs (just kidding—I took the elevator). In a flash, I discarded my dress, kicked off my heels, and threw on some more of my new workout swag. Speaking of, thanks, Her Campus!

Then, pausing only to fill up my water bottle (and snap a selfie), I ran back downstairs—actually taking the stairs this time—and began my journey to the gym. 

On my way out, I passed the old man, finishing up his cigarette. As I strutted by, he said, “You go, girl!”

Seriously. I wasn’t kidding when I said I lived out a movie montage.

The moral of the story? If I can get my Just Worked 9 to 7 In Heels bum to the gym, then you can, too. Humblebrag or inspiration? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell the difference. Either way, update me on your progress, collegiettes! 

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Anna Borges

Northwestern '14
