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Wellness > Health

Lose the Freshman 15: Busy? Modify Your Diet!


I am officially three days into the Drop 10 Diet. Excuse me as I pass out from exhaustion.

Totally kidding. I’m still amped up, and hopefully you are, too. (You are doing this with me, right?)

At first, I thought taking on the Drop 10 Diet on the same day that I started a new internship in a brand new city (hello, NYC!) was crazy of me—but as it turns out, overhauling your life all at once can be crazy motivating. While I’ve always been a fan of small, gradual changes, waking up on Tuesday and going through each new step of my day was invigorating. Waking up at 7 a.m. and not feeling the immediate urge to curl up and sleep for three more hours? Go me. Allowing myself enough time for a nice, long tea and breakfast (a modified Breakfast Club) when I normally skip it? On a roll. Having an exciting but exhausting first day on the job and still leaving time for a workout after I was off the clock? Superwoman status.

But you get the point. Thus was my first day of many firsts, where I found out that good behavior leads to more good behavior because, well, because I wanted to continue feeling like a BAMF.

Of course, this new inspiration hasn’t come without its own hang-ups. Sticking to a diet plan—any diet plan—while on the go is always hard. As of right now, I haven’t even found the time to go grocery shopping. Luckily, my new apartment came with a nicely stocked fridge courtesy of my roommate and the people we’re subletting from, so I’ve been able to mix-and-match while keeping in spirit with the Drop 10 Diet. Modification has been key.

But, since we’re all friends here, I do have to admit one thing…Being a new working woman in New York City has definitely inspired a new affinity for a nice after-work beer with the roomie. That’s a habit I’ll have to drop stat and save for special occasions. But hey, I do get 200 Happy Calories a day on Drop 10, so maybe I’m not doing so badly.

That’s all for now, guys! Look out for me on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays from here on out, because that’s when I’ll be getting’ my blog on around here. Make sure to drop any and all comments below. Words of encouragement, advice or updates of your own…I’d love to hear it all. 

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Anna Borges

Northwestern '14
