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Articles Tagged With: WVWC Style
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The Pros and Cons of Heels

While they may be known as an icon for fashion and style, high heels are certainly not for everyone. There are pros and cons to the...

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What’s Your Finals Style?

Studying hard? Here are some go-to looks to get you through finals: Pumped and Refreshed. Some people prefer to look their best for finals...

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Stepping Into Spring Style

The weather is getting warmer and the time has come to update our wardrobes for the changing season. But stepping into spring doesn’t have...

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Stylish Spring Cleaning

With a little bit of stylish spring cleaning, you and your closet will be ready for a fresh start.

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Experimental Style

With everyone looking to New York Fashion Week for the hottest new trends, it can make you want to experiment with stepping outside the box in your own wardrobe.

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6 Stylish Ways to Stay Warm

It’s that time of year again; the time when everyone disappears under layers of puffy coats and high heels are retired for less icy times...

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Rewarding Style

Everyone needs motivation and there’s nothing wrong with using a little incentive to help you reach your goals. However, there is one thing...

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Quotable Style

In need of a little style inspiration? Having trouble expressing your own personal style? Look no further. Check out these quotes for some...