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Articles Tagged With: wisconsin how to
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How To: Shop Like An Angel

The night of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show has always been one of my favorite nights of the year. Even when I was a little girl, I...

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How To: Holiday Party

Break out the old Christmas sweaters, Badgers! It’s the holiday season! Every year as soon as December 1st hits, Badgers begin to partake...

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How To: Black Friday Shop

The end of November is here, and that means everyone’s favorite holiday is right around the corner…Black Friday of course! Topped only by...

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How To: Balance Time in College

As college students, there is always something we should be doing. Hopefully, I’m not the only one who feels guilty if I’m not doing...

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Guide to Finding the Perfect Apartment

With the holidays just around the corner, it’s one of the most wonderful—and daunting—times of the year. Even though it feels like we’ve...

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How To: Wisco Game Day

For many Big Ten schools around the country, football game days are something to look forward to when arriving in the fall. Here at UW-...

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How to: Avoid Being Awkward

We’re all aware of the phrase, “that’s awkward”. I tend to use it one too many times, but I can’t help it; it’s a phrase that sticks. The...

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How To: Attend Mifflin

I’m sure you are all aware of the recent decision to “cancel” Mifflin from the Madison Police Department. As unfair and disheartening this...

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How to: Get Along With Your Roommates

As you much as you love one another, sometimes you just get too much of your roommates. You may have the roommate that listens to music too...

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How To: Healthily Grocery Shop

I’ll be the first to admit that it can become rather difficult to not leave Fresh Market without a box of cookies or a bag of Dorritos. My...