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How To: Wisco Game Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


For many Big Ten schools around the country, football game days are something to look forward to when arriving in the fall. Here at UW-Madison, Badger football games are THE highlight of our first semester and for some, their entire college career. Game days are rooted deep in the Madison culture; rarely is it normal for people to begin their Saturdays by blaring music, dressing head-to-toe in red, and starting their weekend festivities at six in the morning. But at this glorious Big Ten school, it is oh-so common. There are a few places around campus that attract the biggest and most noteworthy Badger celebrations, so all of you new Sconnie freshmen: take note. 

            1. Langdon Street. Langdon is the center of Madison’s Greek life. With both sides of the streets lined with Frats and Sororities, students are always out and about, especially on game days. Houses are blasting their pump up songs, shouting out of windows, and noticing all the ladies in their red and white outfits. Frats are definitely a must on game days. Behind these beautiful mansions, one will find masses of people mingling and celebrating their mutual love for their Badgers. Regardless of your involvement with Greek life, Langdon street offers an insanely fun atmosphere during game days -if you haven’t checked it out yet, make sure to do so before our season is (depressingly) over. 

            2. State Street. Well known amongst college campuses, State Street is the hub of Wisconsin’s student culture and game days in Madtown are no exception. The street is surrounded by many shops and restaurants, which are perfect to hit up before the game starts. Say on a Saturday morning, you wake up and realize you don’t have your Badger gear with you for some reason…Well you would be in luck! Most State Street shops open bright and early so you can quickly buy a new Wisco tank, sunglasses, tattoos, or striped game day bibs. If you’re not going to the game, the atmospheres of many local restaurants and bars are a great alternative. Wisconsin beer, brats, and cheese curds are perfect (and delicious) when watching the game and celebrating with your fellow rowdy Badger fans!

            3. Lathrop/ Breese Terrace. Arguably the most popular of game day locations, these neighboring streets are blocked off and lined with huge houses which are shoulder-to-shoulder packed with raging game day goers. Just walking by these pre-games is an experience in itself. It’s inevitable someone from a third story balcony will toss you a football and make you throw it back in front of everyone or someone will run past you in a ridiculous outfit. Tailgates are everywhere and the music is insanely loud at every house- making even the mellowest Badger fan (if such a fan exists) amped up for the game.  For first timers, make sure you head over to that side of campus. While it may be quieter during the week, a true Wisconsin Badger will make sure not to miss the Saturday festivities surrounding Camp Randall that help make this school the best school ever

Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com