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Lessons I’ve Learned: From a Lasell Senior 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

In just 5 semesters, I can say I am a college graduate. (Well in June, but still.) It doesn’t seem like enough time. The memories I’ve made, the lifelong friendships. There is never enough time. On the flip side, I am done. The number of assignments, the classes every winter and summer, so basically in school year-round to get here, I am grateful but I am done. So, what the f*ck have I learned? As a senior, I am going to share a few of the biggest lessons I’ve learned. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me, and the lessons I haven’t learned yet. 

Cherish time with friends

As someone who is completing their degree early, this past year has been especially important for me to soak up all the friend time. I know the friends I have made are lifelong and this isn’t goodbye, but I also know moving forward seeing all of them every day won’t be realistic anymore. Making time for friends is vital, if you have too much homework, invite them on a study date. It goes by so quickly, hug your friends. 

Time Management 

I just wrote a whole article about this, so I’ll keep this section brief. But it is so important that I have to talk about it again. Learning how to manage your time well is vital, and I want to scream it from the rooftops. If I could only encourage incoming college students of one thing, it would be this. Google Calendar, digital or physical planner, heck even a whiteboard, just something to help you keep organized. 

It’s okay to not be a wild child 

Since high school, I have always been a cozy homebody. I’d rather stay in and watch a movie with my roommates than go to a crazy party. Obviously, it is fun to go out sometimes, but please don’t feel like you have to go to some crazy party every weekend. The movies and books paint an unrealistic picture and I think create this FOMO culture that is just so unhealthy. Stay in, light a candle, and get that 8 hours of sleep babes. 

Start a Roth IRA

Lastly, start a Roth IRA as soon as you can. I opened mine last summer and I wish I had done it sooner. I put the minimum in each month because I am still a broke college student, but even so, I see my money already growing. And I take peace in knowing I will be able to add more to it soon with my big girl job and that most jobs will match with you. It is also so easy to open one, so make some calls, financial literacy is in y’all. 

Ceci Wood

Lasell '24

Ceci is a Senior at Lasell University and is studying English. In her free time, you can find her reading, writing, making some banging playlists, or playing the sims!