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Articles Tagged With: BC Spring
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Her Campus at BC Spring Shopping Spree

There is nothing I love more than shopping online and probably buying a ton of stuff that I do not need. With Spring Break happening and...

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Stages of Seeing a Dog on Campus

You're sitting outside, enjoying the good weather but missing home (aka your dog) a little extra today... you look out toward the quad and...

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Spring Break on a Collegiatte Budget!

The time for spring break is almost here once again and if you’re a broke college kid, you may be having a hard time trying to figure out...

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Things You Should Be Cleaning More Often

While it may not feel like spring, it’s about that time of the year to do a deep cleaning! When we “clean” our rooms, we usually mean...

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4 Scents that Scream Spring!

At the start of every season, beauty and fashion begin to change. Now that spring is here, clothes and makeup looks will become brighter...

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Spring Expectations vs Reality

With the weather finally starting to warm up and midterms coming to a close, spring is a time of change that calls for a shift in positive...