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10 Different Needs of College Students That Are Solved with Teas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

It’s no secret that drinking tea provides a considerable amount of benefits. For instance, it does wonders for hydrating your body and replenishing your fluid intake, it’s easier to make than coffee, it contains a high level of antioxidants which you’re most likely not going to get with your daily cup of joe, it can help reduce your stress, and even strengthen your immune system. Now tell us, can your regular dose of espresso do those? If we haven’t convinced you enough, try out one of these teas the next time you experience any of these ailments.



1. To reduce stress, anxiety, or induce sleep: Chamomile, Lavender, or Valerian Tea

Chamomile tea has a gently calming and mildly sedative effect which helps us to relax and de-stress. Lavender tea has a pleasant and soothing aroma that may help slow down your nervous system activity, which would, in turn, promote relaxation and lower your stress and anxiety levels. Valerian tea naturally aids your sleep, calms anxiety, lowers your blood pressure, and even improves your stress management by lessening your anxiety and improving the quality and length of sleep.


2. To promote clearer and healthier skin: Green, Rooibos, or Yerba Mate

Make sure to drink these teas if you want to encourage acne-free skin. All of these teas are full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which can work to promote hydration, lessen acne, give your skin extra protection from sunburns, and on the whole, reduce the signs of aging skin.


3. To wake up: Black, Green, or Oolong Tea

Black tea contains the most caffeine compared to all of the other teas. The caffeine content of oolong tea falls in the middle between black tea and green tea. Green tea has a small amount of caffeine for a slight “wake me up” effect and is overflowing with antioxidants.


4. To promote digestion: Lemongrass, Chai, or Ginger Tea

Lemongrass tea has antiseptic properties that kill parasites and bad bacteria in the intestinal tract and then reintroduce good bacteria into the large intestine, which makes it great for promoting digestion.


5. To boost your metabolism: White, Feiyan, Pu-Erh, or Green Tea

White tea promotes fat burning and prevents the development of fat cells in the body, but just as a heads up, this tea does contain caffeine. Feiyan tea reduces and prevents fat storage within the body and Pu-Erh tea increases the body’s metabolic rates. Green tea contains catechin, which may crank up your metabolism.


6. To gain energy: Ginseng, Astragalus, or Gingko Biloba Tea

Ginseng tea has been utilized as an energy booster by Chinese medicine for centuries. Also used in Chinese medicine, astragalus tea boosts the adrenal glands’ health, which is where we get our energy from. Gingko Biloba tea increases the blood flow to your body and brain which is a great energizer.


7. To get a boost of antioxidants: White, Matcha, or Turmeric Tea

White tea has the greatest amount of antioxidants out of all of the teas. Matcha has ten times the amount of antioxidants that green tea has, which is due to the fact that matcha is the powder form of the whole green tea leaf. Turmeric tea is anti-inflammatory and also packed with antioxidants.


8. To bust common cold and flu symptoms: Clove, Licorice, or Peppermint Tea

Clove tea encourages your sinuses to open up so breathing is a lot easier. Licorice tea lessens throat soreness and supports your immune system. Peppermint tea contains a compound called menthol, which helps to break up your congestion. This is perfect if you’re experiencing symptoms such as congested sinuses, a headache, and nausea.


9. To detoxify: Burdock Root, Dandelion, or Guduchi Tea

Burdock root helps your digestive system and liver, which your body uses to rid itself of toxins. If your liver and digestive system are healthy, you’ll have less toxic buildup. Dandelion tea increases the levels of a certain enzyme in your body that is responsible for detoxifying functions. Guduchi tea helps all of your organs work to their full capacity, including your liver.


10. To soothe menstrual cramps: Ginger, Peppermint, Cinnamon, or Valerian Tea

Ginger tea lowers the level of pain by reducing the number of prostaglandins, which are responsible for triggering your muscle contractions. Peppermint tea has numbing and cooling effects that are effective at treating menstrual pains. Cinnamon tea contains antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve menstrual cramp symptoms. Antispasmodic means that it helps to suppress muscle spasms and acts as a natural muscle relaxer. Valerian tea is also antispasmodic and a natural sedative.



Kayla is a sophomore public relations major with a minor in digital media. She is obsessed with dogs and all other animals. She is from Cincinnati, Ohio and was originally adopted from China.