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Improve Your Diet With These 5 Easy Snack Swaps

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

Trying to eat healthy in college is nearly impossible. First of all, we are all broke and everything healthy costs $5,643,238.90 more than regular food (at least it seems like it any way). Second of all, we have no time to go grocery shopping every week to buy fresh fruit and veggies. Lastly, it is just so much easier for us to stick with unhealthy snacks. They are easier to access, last a long time and taste so good. So how can we possibly make a change in our diet that is easy and realistic? I’ve got the answers for you!

1. Skip Pop-Tarts, try Special K Pastry Crisps

These delicious 100 calorie treats have half the calories of Pop-Tarts, but taste just like them!


2. Skip Chips and Dip, try Wheat Thins with Hummus instead

If you’re the type of person that loves chips and salsa or any other kind of dip, then this option will be great for you! Hummus not only is nutritional, but tastes great!

3. Skip the artifical sugary sweet tea, try Arizona 1/2 & 1/2 instead

If you’re from the South and sweet tea is your thing, try Arizona 1/2 and 1/2. The company is known for their low calorie, real sugar teas.

4. Skip the gummy candy, try Welch’s Fruit Snacks instead

Welch’s fruit snacks still have the sweet flavor you crave for in your gummy candy, but with 1/2 the colories, no fat and tons of Vitamin D.

5. Skip the Cinnamon Toast Crunch, try Special K Cinnamon Pecan Cereal

If you’re a fan of the famous cinnamon-sugar cereal, then you have to try Special K’s version! It is the same thing, but with a much healthier kick.

Happy healthy snacking Collegiettes!

Winthrop University is a small, liberal arts college in Rock Hill, SC.