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Why You Should Take a Group Exercise Class at Cary Street Gym

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

We all know that the Cary Street Gym is a great facility, but are you using everything it has to offer? It took me a while before I decided to sign up for a group exercise class myself, but once I did, there was no turning back. Here are five reasons why you should consider signing up for a group exercise class at our awesome gym:

1. It’s free.

We are all on a student budget out here, so cheap is good, but free is better. All group exercise classes at Cary Street Gym are free to VCU students, so next time you are trying to figure out what you and your friends should do, think about going to a class at the gym! If you want to hit the pool, try a Deep Water Aerobics class or a Stand Up Paddle Board HIIT class. If dancing is more your thing, check out a Zumba class or a Cardio Dance class. Group classes will give you a chance to have free fun with friends, along with the added benefit of staying active.

2. You don’t have to plan a workout.

Sometimes working out can be a struggle because we do not exactly know how to plan our workouts, but taking a class takes the guesswork out of it. Just show up and have a trained professional tell you exactly what to do. Personally, I always leave out the important step of stretching and cooling down after a workout, but with classes those steps are already built into the plan. Additionally, the employees at Cary Street Gym are always ready and willing to help alter any of their workouts to the fitness level of any participant, so they can help you make sure you are staying safe throughout your workout!

3. Morning classes wake you up.

I know what you are thinking – “Waking up in time for school is hard enough. Why would I want to wake up even earlier?” but just bear with me for a moment. While dragging myself out of bed even five minutes earlier may seem impossible some days, getting up early to go to an exercise class is one of my favorite ways to start the day. If you want to be slowly and peacefully woken up, try one of the early morning yoga classes. If you need a high energy start to the day, try signing up for an upbeat cycling class. By the end of your class you will be feeling accomplished, energized and ready to take on whatever the day has in store for you.

4. It gives you a chance to try new things.

After a few weeks, the elliptical and free weights can get boring, but trying a new workout can be intimidating. Taking a class can add some variety to your routine and the instructors will teach you everything you need to know! Ever thought about trying a HIIT style workout or wanted to get into yoga but not known where or how to start? Cary Street Gym offers a huge range of classes where you can jump right in and start learning.

5. It’s a great way to meet new people.

When living the busy life of a collegiette, sometimes it can be hard to find time to meet new people. Taking a group exercise class can take your workout from a solo thing to a social thing. As soon as you step into the class, you already know you have at least one thing in common with everyone else there: you care about your fitness! Some classes will have you partner up with someone and some will not, but take the time to get to know someone in class. Your new workout buddy is out there waiting for you!

Whether you decide to keep it chill with Pilates or turn up the intensity with Total Body Conditioning, you can’t go wrong with group classes at the Cary Street Gym!

Image Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 

Garnette Ransone is a Masters of Teaching student at Virginia Commonwealth University. She enjoys all bad jokes, brunch and finding any excuse she can to wear glitter. You can usually find her at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts or travelling the East Coast to see her favorite bands.