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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

We all learned from Auntie Maxine that it is crucial to reclaim your time to let people know you mean business. Often times we put the needs of others before our own and that’s problematic. Eventually, people will start to expect that you’ll drop everything for them. So if you are the type of person who just can’t say no, how do you get over it? 

The first thing you could do is schedule dates with yourself. Actually plan to take yourself out! That way when people are asking you to do stuff, you really do have plans. They don’t have to know the details and “me time” is just as important as other activities and obligations. 

In addition to this, you need to know your limits. Nowadays it is so easy to overload yourself. We always have to be caught up on social media, finish our homework assignments, go to work, and somehow binge watch Grey’s Anatomy all in one day. Sis… I know Alicia Keys said we are all Superwomen, but even superheroes need a break. When you feel like you have too much pressure on yourself, take a step back.

Meditation and exercise are also great ways to reclaim your time. I personally utilize Headspace and Calm as my meditation apps. Being able to quiet the mental noise that builds up over time is the most peaceful feeling. The best part about meditation is that it doesn’t have to take an hour to do, but the results are worthwhile. As for exercise, it is scientifically known to be a stress reliever. Your mind, body, and spirit are all connected, so if one is neglected, they all will fall through.  

If all else fails, just say no! This is your life and you are not obligated to please anybody. We all have our own lives to build and if the people around you cannot understand that, maybe it’s time to find a new crowd. At the end of the day, we all want to make something of ourselves, and no one can get you there but you. 

Nastassia Sanks

Valdosta '19

My name is Nastassia Sanks. I'm a senior at Valdosta State University. I became a member of Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority Inc in spring 2018. In my free time I enjoy reading, writing, and playing video games.
Her Campus at Valdosta State.