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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

I have been inconsistently meditating for a few years now and this year I decided to make it part of my daily routine, which is not an easy thing to do, but it is very much worth it.

You might be asking yourself, “What exactly is meditation?”. Meditation is the act of focusing our minds on something like a thought or an activity in order to create awareness and achieve a state of calm and mental clarity. Your mental health is equally important to your physical health. Just as cardio and strength training are important for your body, meditation is like exercise for your mind. 

woman meditating on the beach
Photo by Simon Rae from Unspash
Meditating can help with a variety of issues: trouble falling asleep, managing anxiety or stress, gaining a better control of emotions, and more! In other words, practicing meditation is beneficial for your overall self-awareness. I, for example, meditate to remedy my stress, and to feel more in control of my thoughts. To start meditating, you need to separate a time and place for it. I like to meditate every morning for at least 15 minutes, and guided meditations are a great help, and there are many options on the internet. I use the Balance app for meditation and I recently discovered a series on Netflix called Guide to Meditation. Both are great resources you can check out! If you haven’t tried meditation as an alternative to help keep your mind at bay, I highly recommend you to! Start out at least once a day for a week and see if you notice any positive changes. Hopefully you will have as good an experience as I did. Happy meditating!

Alina Vargas Soto is an undergraduate student at the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus. She's studying Communications with a major in Journalism. Whenever she isn't studying or working, she loves to watch movies, read and write poetry, and hang-out with her friends and family. She is very passionate about music, art, history, and literature, but also loves adventure and connecting with nature. Alina will drink tea and write as well as drink coffee and go on a hike.