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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UMKC chapter.

Hi, my name is Anna, and I like to write about topics that I would want to read about. But right now, all I really want is to take a deep breath (and a year-long vacation, but I’m trying to be realistic). So, if your semester is already insane like mine is, take a few minutes with me to breathe and reflect. 


Take a deep breath. How are you feeling? How are you really feeling? Amazing? Overwhelmed? Depressed? Your feelings are valid, and you are entitled to feel and work through them in any healthy way you choose. 


Take another deep breath. Let’s do a physical check. Drop your shoulders, unclench your jaw. Look away from your screen for a moment and blink a few times. Take a second to listen to your body. Where are you holding tension? Do your best to let it go. 


Deep breath. How many hours did you sleep last night? Did you wake up feeling well-rested? Sleep is a vital part of physical and mental wellbeing. If you’re getting fewer than 7 hours, try to go to bed a little earlier tonight if you can. 


Deep breath. Have you eaten today? This one can be tough for a lot of people, but you need food to fuel your body and mind. If you haven’t eaten much today, grab a snack. You do not have to earn food. 


Deep breath. Is there anything that you need to forgive yourself for? Forgive yourself. How about forgiving someone in your life? Grudges are heavy, let them go.  


Deep breath. Think about how you’ve been talking to yourself lately. Are you treating yourself with grace, empathy and compassion? Are you validating and encouraging yourself? Would you say those things to someone you love? If not, stop saying them to yourself.


Deep breath. Have you talked to someone you love today? Life is not meant to be lived alone. Reach out to a friend or family member. A little human interaction goes a long way, and they may also be waiting for you to reach out.


Can you do something small today to create joy for yourself? Grab a coffee, go for a walk or listen to your favorite song. Every day deserves at least one moment of genuine happiness. 


One more big deep breath in and out. You did it. You took a few minutes to breathe and check in with yourself. No matter what happens the rest of your day, you took time for yourself, and I am proud of you. Be proud of yourself. You are a rockstar. Now get out there and be awesome!


Anna is currently a senior at UMKC studying Health Sciences and Public Health, with a goal of working in the nonprofit world. Anna's passion is advocating for people living with chronic illnesses through her work with the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. In her free time, Anna can be found obsessing over Panic! at the Disco and Queen while drinking coffee and watching romantic comedies or listening to podcasts.