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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UH chapter.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. According to a 2015 survey conducted by Penn State University, the number of college students seeking counseling for mental health issues has steadily increased in the last five years. Anxiety and depression are the main issues plaguing college students, and nearly 25 percent of those who seek help are prescribed medication.

We’ve all learned to accept that college comes with its fair share of stressful situations—and as finals rapidly approach, it can be easy to let your mental health slip through the cracks. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to combat stress and anxiety, keeping yourself happy and healthy.


1.Get some lavender

Studies show that lavender can lower your heart rate and blood pressure—making you feel more relaxed and stopping oncoming anxiety attacks in their tracks.

2.Trade your coffee for tea

Drinking a cup of chamomile or green tea is a great way to relax. The feel-good chemicals in the tea leaves help reduce anxiety while still giving you a caffeine boost.

3.Try meditation

Peace and quiet in a space free of distractions can do a body (and mind) good. Add in some deep breathing, pleasant imagery or a positive mantra to achieve maximum relaxation.

4.Laugh, and then laugh some more

Laughter makes us feel happy, and in turn, healthy—so call up your hilarious best friend or watch two (or 20) silly cat videos on YouTube.

5.Do something you want to do

People are happiest when they are doing something that they enjoy. To take your mind off of your stressors, do something that you actually like doing—whether it’s writing, painting or reading.


Remember, your mental health is important. If you want to seek professional help, UH Counseling and Psychological Services is always available. They can be contacted at (713) 743-5454.

BreeAngela Hamilton is a senior studying print journalism and computer graphics technology at the University of Houston. She is the Managing Editor of Her Campus UH. Her favorite pastimes include watching reruns of Law & Order: SVU and listening to music at a high volume while navigating traffic. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @breeelyse_.
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