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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

Midterms are incredibly stressful. No matter how much you mentally prepare yourself weeks in advance, they always just seem to creep up on you. So if you’re reading this while you’re scrambling to prepare for your next midterm, take a deep breath and relax. 

a woman holds her hands over her face
Photo by Anthony Tran from Unsplash
Feeling burnout during exams is such a common feeling that students often just dismiss it. However, this is really unhealthy, as it is so important to focus and prioritize on your mental health even during times of high academic stress. The first step to preventing and dealing with burnout is being able to recognize the signs of you overworking yourself. Common signs of burnout include low motivation, reduced academic performance, and even physical symptoms such as headaches or migraines. So, now that you have identified your burnout, here are some ways you can try to reduce these feelings. 

First, and most importantly, take a break. No matter how overwhelmed with work you are, there is no use in continuing if you are going to be unproductive from the burnout anyways. Take a step back and if possible, try to take one full day off from any work or stressful activities. Use this day to recharge, refuel and relax. Spend time with loved ones or do things that make you happy. After you’ve taken a step back from everything, you’ll hopefully be able to think clearly and be more productive. At the same time, it’s also important to take mini breaks during the day. It isn’t healthy or effective to study for hours and hours at a time without any breaks. Do yourself a favor and take a quick break every couple of hours to give yourself a much needed brain break.

Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

Another extremely important aspect of avoiding burnout is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which means incorporating healthy meals, regular exercise and consistent sleep in your daily routine. While this may seem nearly impossible for any college student juggling a full academic course load with extracurriculars, there are some easy ways to reach these goals. Instead of ordering takeout or fast food, try to switch to healthier options by cooking for yourself every once in a while. Cooking healthy meals is not only extremely beneficial for your health but it is also such an amazing way to de-stress while taking up a new hobby. Also, working out doesn’t have to feel like a chore or something that you dread. There are so many fun ways to stay active (such as pilates, yoga, or hiking) that you’ll definitely find something that you’ll love enough to incorporate into your daily routine. Working out doesn’t have to be extremely long and time-consuming, as even a 15-minute walk around your neighborhood will do wonders for your physical and mental wellbeing. Taking care of your physical health will help you better deal with stressful situations while also taking your mind off your work. 

Silhouette of woman doing yoga at sunset
Photo by Kike Vega from Unsplash

Lastly, as a final preventative measure against burnout, surround yourself with positive people and positive affirmations. With everything going on in the world right now, stress, anxiety and burnout are common feelings. This is why it is essential to have a strong support system to help you deal with these testing times. Spend time with your loved ones. Watch a wholesome Disney show. Call up your childhood best friend. 

love yourself written on a sidewalk
Photo by Michelle Bonkosky from Unsplash

Whichever method you choose, please always keep in mind that your mental health always comes first, even during midterms. While it can be hard to take the time to schedule full mental health days for yourself, try to take small breaks and surround yourself with positive affirmations to deal with the dreaded college student burnout.

Anya is a first-year economics major at UCLA and is a feature-writer for Her Campus. When she's not writing, she loves to scuba dive, go makeup shopping, and indulge in black sesame ice cream. She's obsessed with Disney movies and will 100% cry when watching Finding Nemo.
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