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12 Ways to Get That ‘New Year, New You’ Bod

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Ah, the New Year! The time for new beginnings, new habits and most importantly, a new you! Say goodbye to the 2017 you who ate ice cream for breakfast, never took the stairs at work and sat in front of the couch with a bag of potato chips on a Saturday night. 2018 is the year to start afresh and revamp yourself. Since 90% of New Years Resolutions have something to do with getting fit for the new year, here are 10 ways to do just that!

   1. Go to the Gym

This one is pretty obvious and probably the most popular option among those trying to shape up in the new year. Going to the gym is a great way to achieve the results you want when it come to your body, mind and overall health. Want to improve your strength? Try lifting weights. Want to lose a few pounds or maybe improve your stamina? Try some cardio. Want to increase your flexibility? Try some mat workouts and stretches. The gym can suit a variety of your needs. Although gym memberships can be pretty pricey, there are ways to work around having to pay a fortune every month to get healthy. Try looking to see if you qualify to use your school’s gym for free, try using a free trial gym membership, check out your local community centres, or look into buying new/used workout equipment and do it all from the comfort of your own home! There are a lot of ways for you to get fit on a budget this year! 

   2. Start Eating Healthy

A healthy lifestyle change starts with a healthy change in diet. Working out is only half the battle. In order to fully get the results you want, you also need to work on changing bad eating habits. Nothing too drastic, but every small change helps. Whether its switching out that morning coffee and donut for an apple and smoothie or changing that bag of chips into a bowl of fruits, these small changes make a huge difference in the way you look and feel. Try meal prepping, searching up healthy recipes to cook or make a healthy meal chart. Keep yourself on track with living a healthy lifestyle and you’ll definitely see a huge difference!

   3. Take a Workout Class

Although planning to go to the gym and workout is a great idea, its sometimes hard to motivate yourself to follow through. Why not try signing up for a workout class? This way, there will be a set date and time that you are forced to go to and work out that bod! Whether it’s a pilates, kickboxing, or spin class, you are sure to not only get in a good workout, but maybe make some great friends along the way! There are plenty of studios offering great deals around this time, especially for students! Also, if you’re tight on a budget, try checking out classes at your school or local community centres which are bound to offer the same services at a lower price!

   4. Do Some Yoga

Enrich your mind, body and soul with this amazing way to shape up! Not only will you be able to achieve great bodily results with this form of exercise, but yoga has some great benefits for increasing your flexibility, decreasing stress levels and enhancing your inner mindfulness. Whether it’s a regular yoga class, a yoga DVD, or even just buying a mat and trying out some moves in your living room, yoga is a great way to get fit. Also, if you are looking for an added bonus, some places offer cool additions to your yoga experiences such as glow in the dark yoga, disco yoga, and even puppy and goat yoga!

   5. Do Some HOT Yoga

Looking for an even more intense form of yoga? Why not sweat it out and try Hot Yoga? Hot yoga is the newest yoga trend where you attend a yoga class in a heated sauna-like room. Not only will you be moving your muscles, but the increased heat makes you sweat even more! This proves to have extra health benefits for weight loss as well as bodily and mental cleansing. Not to mention, this is a great away to escape the cold winter blues this season! You will feel great and really feel the benefits of your workout after one of these classes! So, grab a towel and check out the local Hot Yoga studios in your area!

   6. Go Skating

If you’re looking to embrace the cold weather and all that the winter season has to offer, why not try skating? Skating is great exercise that works out your entire body! Not only is it a fun activity to do with others, but you will truly feel accomplished when you wake up the next day and can’t move your legs! Plus, skating is a much cheaper alternative to other workout methods that may require you to buy a membership or pay an ongoing fee. Just buy or rent yourself a pair of skates and you’re good to go as most rinks offer skating completely FREE! If spending on a pair of skates seems a little pricey for you, why not try buying them used? Skates are better when they’re broken in anyways.

   7. Go Rock Climbing

Another active yet fun activity is rock climbing! Challenge yourself and your strength by climbing to unimaginable heights. Not only does this improve strength in your arms but it also engages your core and leg muscles, so it really is a great fully body workout! If you’re looking to make this part of your regular workout routine, I would suggest looking into a membership with your local rock climbing gym. If you plan on going a lot, the membership will probably be a lot cheaper in the long run. Plus, memberships often have some great benefits such as early access, discounts on other products/promotions, etc. Be sure to check out what your gym has to offer as this is a great workout option!

   8. Sign up for Dance Classes/Lessons

Want to step out of your comfort zone and try something new? Why not try signing up for a dance class? Get up and shake what your momma gave ya at a salsa, Zumba, or (if you’re feeling really wild) a pole dancing class! Not only will you get a great exercise out of it which can totally help you with your weight goals, but now you also have some super cool moves to show off to your friends and family at your next event! It’s a win-win!

   9. Join a Sports Team/Club

Looking to get more involved in your school or local community? Why not join a sports team or club? The intense training that athletes have to go through even during off-season is sure to get you in shape. Whether its cycling, rowing, soccer, basketball, swimming or tennis, there is bound to be something out there for you that will not only help you with your fitness but also build your experience and social network.

   10. Go for Regular Jogs/Walks

If you’re searching for the ultimate inexpensive way to workout, this is the one. Grab a pair of sneakers and go for a regular jog/walk. Best part? You can do this basically anywhere! At your local park, around the neighborhood, at a bike or walking trail, on the sidewalk, the possibilities are endless! Also, this is a really great chance for you to explore your city on foot and explore places you wouldn’t normally go to. Plus, it is an excellent and efficient form of cardio and exercise which is sure to yield results! Not to mention, it is completely FREE!

   11. Buy a FitBit

Although they’re a little on the pricier side, FitBits are a great way to keep track of your fitness progress. Not only does it count the number of steps you take and motivates you to meet your step goals, but it also tracks your water intake, sleeping habits, calorie intake, weight, and so much more! FitBit really is your all around guide to meeting your fitness goals and really staying on track with maintaining them. Cheaper alternatives to FitBit also exist and could be an alternate option if you don’t feel like spending that much. Also, a good old fitness journal will also do the trick!

   12. Drink Water!

The final way to really achieve that new bod is to drink water. Staying hydrated is the most important way to maintain your health. There are so many benefits that water can bring to your body such as improve your digestion, skin, level of fatigue, sugar levels, calorie burning capabilities, etc. It is 100% calorie-free so what do you have to lose? If you’re trying to lose weight, drinking a lot of water can help burn calories by making you eat less. Try drinking 4 glasses of water in the morning before you eat breakfast, this will lessen your food intake and make you full and energized throughout the day.


Make 2018 the year that you achieve all of your resolutions! Work hard and you can do it!