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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

Going to the gym and weight lifting has had a large impact on my life. It has become an environment where I am stress-free, thought-free, and bang my head to some bass-heavy EDM songs. I’ve been going to the gym consistently for the past eight months. I’ve collected personal favorite gym clothes, shoes, equipment, and workouts that I would love to share with any girl that also weight lifts. 

Let’s begin with what makes a great workout: a cute gym outfit. This might sound self-centered but it is so true. I know that when I wear a cute gym outfit I feel like the strongest person in the gym. I start thinking that I can lift more than the guy with biceps as big as my head. 

So let’s break down some of my favorite gym outfits that make my god complex pop off at the gym. Starting with leggings, the Yeoreo leggings off Amazon are my favorite leggings of all time. The main reason I love these leggings is that they are squat proof, high waisted, hug your body nicely in all the right places, and are sweatproof. The best part is that they come in so many different colors and patterns. The only downside with these leggings is that they are not size-inclusive. 

Other gym favorites of mine are my Nike Blazer Mid 77’s and my high-top Converse. Flat shoes are the best during leg days, plus these shoes always help build a cute outfit. 

Let’s move on to equipment. When weight lifting, making sure you don’t get injured is a huge priority. When I started lifting heavier I noticed that I couldn’t get the weight up because I would get a small pain in my lower back. I decided to invest in a lifting belt. Let me tell you that the belt was a game-changer. A lifting belt is a game-changer because it compresses your stomach and allows you to brace your core better so you can avoid injuring your lower back. The belt I use is from the brand Gymreapers. Lifting belts are expensive, especially the lever belts, but I 100% recommend them and it is completely worth investing in if you lift in the gym. 

My next favorite gym essential is the Alani Nu pre-workout. Supplement wise I only take pre-workout because there are moments where I am a little tired but still want to get a workout in, and pre-workout is great in giving that extra boost of energy. It is important to do your research when taking supplements because you want to make sure that what you’re putting into your body is safe. 

Finally, let’s finish with my recent favorite leg day exercises. If you want an amazing quad pump give the following exercise a try. The first set is a superset with the leg extension and going straight into a narrow stance squat while holding a heavy dumbbell. This exercise is killer for the quads. Then my next favorite superset is walking lunges with dumbbells and straight into dumbbell RDL’s. This will kill your hamstrings and quads. 

What are your favorite gym essentials? Let us know @HerCampusSJSU

Hello, my name is Ariana and I am a sophomore at San Jose State University. I am a business major and in my free time, I love weightlifting at the gym. Let's be friends! Instagram: axoliva