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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

We are getting so close to the end of the semester, and it’s insane how fast time flies! As the dreaded finals week quickly approaches, life can get a bit more stressful than usual. Doing small things every now and then to show yourself some extra lovin’ can really make a difference in your mood, stress levels, self-esteem, health, etc. You don’t need to do all the things on this extensive list of self love suggestions from HC Pitt’s lovely writers (including me); just pick a few to try out when you want to give your self a little extra love!

1. Take care of your skin.

Use a luxurious body scrub once a week and follow that with a thick body butter in a similar scent. Sloshing away all those dead skin cells and then locking in the moisture with a hydrating lotion is an easy way to feel refreshed and pampered.

2. Use a lavender hand cream or lavender bed spray before bed.

Lavender is an extremely calming scent, so by using it in any form of aromatherapy, you can really soothe at least some of the anxieties about upcoming tests or boy troubles. 

3. Surround yourself with all things warm and cozy.

These types of items are comforting during these chilly fall and winter months — cozy socks, warm blankets, hot yoga, the sauna. But, be careful with sugary warm winter drinks (hello, Pumpkin Spice Latte and hot chocolate!), these may make your body more stressed!

4.Change your sheets often. 

More specifically, change your pillowcase more often. (Bonus self-love points: use a satin pillowcase to protect your hair follicles and feel more like a princess than you already are). Not only will you sleep better, but also you won’t be sleeping on the germs you brought home with you from all those South O parties!

5.Meditate, stretch, or do some yoga! 

Getting in touch with your inner Zen and experiencing some movement in a spiritual way can really help you distress and loosen up, both physically and mentally. One of HC’s writers Haley Frederick says to use the app Stop, Breathe & Think. It’s free, easy, and a good way to calm you down.

5.Catch up with people from home. 

Having a nice long Skype sesh with a friend from home can do wonders when you are away at college. What did people do before the invention of the webcam?! Talking to an old friend can help break you out of the college bubble and see the bigger picture.

6. Clean your room and de-clutter. 

Donate the clothes you don’t wear. Keep your room as clean as you can. Spend five minutes every day to keep everything in order and it will help keep your life in order! When your space is clean, that’s one area of your life that you at least you know you have under control. Turn you room into a sanctuary (Pinterest can help with that).

7.Manage your time. 

Avoiding procrastination is self-love because it will de-stress the future you. Make some lists to help you prioritize what’s important right now and what can wait a few days.

8. Whiten your teeth! 

Not just that, but also brush them for 30 extra seconds, floss, mouthwash, and do the whole shebang. Brushing your teeth is something you do twice a day anyways (hopefully), so why not utilize those few minutes to really feel like you’re taking care of yourself and being mindful of what the purpose of this task is? It sounds crazy but keeping your smile bright and clean can actually make you feel happier and more in control of your life.

Here are some more recommendations from some HC Pitt writers:

I love going on long walks especially in Schenley. It’s important to take like 30 minutes to just chill and be in the moment! – Katie Milliken

I paint my nails and take a shower with my expensive shampoo instead of the normal stuff. – Mariah Reinard

I do face masks! Homemade if I have time and supplies, but the ones from CVS work well too. – Kelsey Kerr

I take an unusually long shower, put on my Calvin’s and a big t-shirt, and watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s. – Jessie Iacullo 

Reading! – Leah Naomi 

Journaling and listening to a Spotify playlist (especially the “Indie Track” or the “Focus” playlists). – Bekah Jean

Watching old movies, listening to my Zen playlist, or knitting. – Caroline Eddy

Lighting a million candles in my room and watching Netflix with the lights out! And a Tony Moly sheet mask from Sephora if I’m being extra fancy. – Abbie Dobbertin  

My friend does henna on herself/her friends to relax! – Sydney Sapir

One last tip: Go to sleep early! None of the earlier tips will help if you are sleep deprived…trust me.

Photo Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt