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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.

First of all, take a deep breath – it’s that time of year again! Everyone is going through that last push of the semester with dreaded finals season upon us. Though this is the time when many of us feel our worst since we are tired, sleep deprived, stressed, and possibly sick, taking care of yourself needs to be a priority. Here are some tips to help you thrive during finals season!


Many of us do not get enough sleep during the academic year. As much as 50% of college students report sleep deprivation and daytime tiredness – whoa! During finals, however, many of us are up till the wee hours of the morning trying to cram as much information as possible while chugging coffee like there is no tomorrow. Studies have shown that pulling an all-nighter actually increases your chances of failing. The best way to do your best on your final is to get a good night’s sleep. So, for your own sanity and grades, try to sleep 8 hours during finals! Your mind, body, and grades will thank you!


This may seem obvious during finals, but I see so many students not eating enough or eating junk food to deal with the anxiety of finals and also out of convenience. Prioritize eating good, nutritious food to keep yourself on track and to keep yourself as healthy as possible. Whether it be hitting up a dining hall or Postmates, a hearty, healthy meal during finals can help you feel your best and get through finals with more energy. Also, drink water! Hydration is key! #hydrateordiedrate


Now this means more than face masks and fuzzy socks. Take some time out of your study schedule to decompress and take your mind off studying. This could be anything from watching a new episode of your favorite show or checking out one of the many holiday markets around the city, but make time for yourself to clear your head and enjoy yourself during this very stressful time. My personal favorite way to decompress is by wrapping myself in a blanket with a hot cup of tea and lighting a candle. It is so cozy and helps me to unwind. 


Finals can make even the most calm people frazzled, especially if you have several finals, papers, and projects all due within a few days of each other. Take some time to organize and prioritize. Keep a planner with all of your due dates this season, or at least create a to-do list. Listing everything can make it seem a bit less daunting and can help you figure out which tasks need to be done first. 

Good luck with finals everyone! You got this! And remember, this is the final push before break, and then we have some time off to relax and recharge. Have a wonderful break everyone!

All images courtesy of Pexels.

I am an MCC major with a focus in fashion. I love to shop, especially for designer bags, and you can always catch me at the next sample sale! I love writing about sample sales and which one I am headed to next.
Carly Mantay is currently studying Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU.