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Wellness > Health

Staying Mentally and Physically Healthy on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

Transitioning into a new environment can be full of surprises, especially when you’re on your own. These surprises can have versatile effects on your mental and physical health, ranging from positive to negative changes. In this article, I will supply you with some positive tips on having a healthy psychological and physical year and reaching your happiest state.

Walking at least 10,000 steps a day. this is beneficial for everyone because it gives you a break during the day to relax and examine some beautiful areas around campus. Walking is an excellent source of cardio and movement if you don’t feel like working out your body. I’ve found the best way to walk is to put on headphones and listen to music that makes you feel happy or alive. 

Prioritizing meals throughout the day. Everyone should be getting at least three meals a day. Eating gives you the energy to navigate your day and helps you take care of your body. It can sometimes be challenging for college students to find time to eat because of the stress of classes and other factors. One challenge I’ve seen before and even faced myself is eating alone in the dining hall. Social anxiety and fear can be troubling to navigate,  I got through my fear by realizing everyone is there for the same reason, to eat, not judge. It is perfectly okay to eat alone because everyone has a different schedule. Although, if you make a plan with a friend or stranger to go to the dining hall or get food, you’ll be more inclined to eat! 

Read a book. I believe reading a book is one of the most beneficial types of self-care and mental relaxation an individual can have. Enjoying a book helps your brain enjoy peace through creativity and imagination rather than studying and absorbing information that can get exhausting throughout the day. Another reason for taking time to read a book is because it can help recharge your social battery. On campus, you’re surrounded by people and often communicate, which can be exhausting and challenging, especially for introverts. 

One final tip I have is to journal. Journaling has many benefits as it can help you self-reflect, let go of something bothering you, or even teach you something new. A positive and healthy mindset can be difficult to maintain within college because of the many factors that influence it. Still, journaling can give your brain a way to release all those negativities and chatter within your head to feel better and more tranquil than before.  In summary, if you follow these tips you’ll be more successful in reaching your happiest state while having a healthy year both psychologically and physically. 

Julius Patto attends Michigan State University, double-majoring in Professional and Public Writing and User Experience (UX/UI) Architecture within MSU's College of Arts. He strives to showcase his creativity and inspire others in the world, while also working towards prioritizing mental health and representation for immigrants and marginalized communities. Outside of his studies, he enjoys writing poetry and fiction stories, reading, being adventurous, traveling, and skateboarding.