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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

I have been struggling with a negative mindset about life for a long time now, frequently  letting mental illness get the best of me. I was very anxious and felt the need to control everything that happened or was going to happen in my life. I was constantly feeling negative about myself and found myself comparing myself and my life to others. Here are some ways I have been combatting this negative mindset.

Waking up earlier

Getting an earlier start to the day helps clear my mind before the chaos, allowing me to think about what I want to get done or even just allowing me more time to drink my coffee. I am no longer rushed to get dressed before work because I give myself plenty of time. This habit allows me to have a stress free and mindful morning.

Learning to “go with the flow”

I am practicing being more accepting of whatever is happening and not taking life so seriously. I care less about whether or not I wear makeup in public, or if my hair looks like a mess. I used to not get my hair wet in the water because I was nervous about what my hair would look like afterwards, but this summer, I am getting in the water every time. Life is a lot more fun when I am less worried about things that do not matter.

Having a daily planner

Keeping my days organized in one place helps me keep my thoughts organized as well. I like to splurge a little  on a good planner that also gives me the space to check in with what I ate during the day, how much water I drank, and allows me to write some affirmations too.

Finding new hobbies

I have struggled most of my life with finding  hobbies and passions that I have fun doing and can pursue further. I tend to quit a hobby if I am not good at it, which is something I need to fix about myself. I like to find new hobbies and passions to fill my time, to have the most fun during the day, and not have time for negative thoughts. Recently I started to pick up reading again— something I did a ton when I was younger, and I have started  to learn to play the guitar again. 

Limiting my social media

This is by far the best thing I have done for myself. I limit my time on my social media apps and even deleted some of them altogether. It makes me go on my phone less and spend more time in the present. I even forget to bring my phone with me now because I am on it less than ever before. It has helped my self confidence and insecurities so much just within a couple of months.

These are things that work for me or that I wanted to try to change my life for the better. I am currently more mindful, present, and care-free since implementing these into my daily life. I would recommend trying these to anyone who is also looking for a change.

MSU Contributor Account: for chapter members to share their articles under the chapter name instead of their own.