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Staying Fit on a Calorie Filled Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Memphis chapter.

All nighters, coffee runs, and all-you-can-eat carbs. These are just a couple of the things that prevent me and other college students from being healthy. Everyone hears about the freshman 15, but if you are like me, you thought you would not have that problem. Fast forward to my junior year, I am definitely at least 15 pounds heavier than I was my freshman year. Attempting to lose those pounds is a struggle in itself. Here are some tips on trying keep in shape while maintaining relationships, work, and most importantly school.


Before I started working out consistently, I always used excuses to avoid going to the gym. I was too busy, or my favorite excuse was that I needed to study. Working out is a great de-stressor and I actually focus better after a workout. Try to carve out at least thirty minutes to an hour, three days a week that you can workout. Attempt to maintain a high level of intensity while you workout, but do not over work yourself. One example, is if you can lift ten-pound weights, do not stick with five weights just because you are comfortable.  And do not be afraid to try new machines in the gym, ask for help if need be! Stay committed to your workout schedule and do not come up with excuses. Having a workout partner really does help!


Have you heard the saying, losing weight is 80% of what you eat, and 20% of how you workout? Even if you workout two hours, seven days a week, if you eat five thousand calories a day, the workout will not matter.  And eating on campus is the worse. There is only one (partially) healthy place on campus, and even there the calories can add up. Get a calorie counting app such as myfitnesspal, and just try to change up your diet. Do you really need fries and a burger, or can you substitute fries for a salad? Sometimes you can what you want, but do not over do it (learn portion control)!

In the recreation center, they have a list of apps that you can download. You can also get a trainer (for a fee) or see a nutritionist, all on campus. 

The Rec has a board of helpful apps to aid you in your workout journey. 

I am a junior, biology major from Memphis, TN.