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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

Has anyone else’s fitness resolution being swept under the fitness mat (or not as the case may be!)? Losing weight and staying fit and healthy are ranked 1st and 2nd in the top 10 New Year’s resolutions for 2014. With just 75% of us abiding by our resolutions for only 1 week, it would seem we all need a little bit of motivation and a realistic fitness plan to follow. You’d never find me slinging my gym bag over my back, hopping into my trainers and aggressively scraping back my locks into a tight pony for a self-motivated trip to the gym. Instead, I have found a way which ensures I stay active but with a little more fun, motivation from others and genuine anticipation to hit the gym- now stop skiving those (fitness) classes!

For us in Lancaster, we are lucky enough to have a brilliantly equipped gym on campus which offers up to 20 different classes a day. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been attending a variety of these classes. It’s from this that I have been able to devise a fitness regime which is perfect for me. I’m hoping to give you a few tips about what to expect with these activities, so you too can find your ideal fitness schedule.

1. Spin – The most fun you’ll ever have on a bike!

I was particularly daunted by this class, mainly because you can’t easily disguise slacking. The idea of sweating buckets whilst being barked at with commands by some perfectly toned, exercise–obsessed instructor was not all that appealing. But, I forced myself into going all the same. Surprise, surprise I actually had quite a good time! Well, as far as good can go with agonizing fitness classes…

Spin consists of a whole bunch of exercise bikes lined up inside a studio, with an army of sweaty cyclists peddling as if they’re trying to escape from an axe-murderer. Instructors guide participants through workout phases- warm-up, steady up-tempo cadences, sprints, climbs, cool-downs, etc but you control the resistance to make the pedaling as easy or difficult as you choose.

Although I heard the phrase “Climb out of the saddle, big hill coming!” a few too many times, the energized atmosphere and team motivation to defeat that devil of a hill kept me focused. This is a great class for an all-over body workout which is guaranteed to leave you feeling super happy. Not to mention, feeling smug that you didn’t let that perfectly toned, exercise-obsessed instructor leave you at the bottom of the hill. High five, girls!


2. Zumba – A classic that can’t be ignored!

Zumba is the latin-American dance-fitness craze that’s swept over the USA and Europe. Infact, pretty much every country- even in Antarctica! It fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow moves to create a one-of-a-kind fitness program that will blow you away. The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. An hourly session of Zumba a week can really benefit your body and with toned celebrities such as Shakira committing to 4-5 hours a week of Zumba (see my previous article on Shakira at: www.hercampus.com/school/lancaster/5-reasons-why-us-girls-would-love-be-shakira). So get shaking your BOO-TAY and head on down to your local Zumba class!


3. Power Hour – Truly, a full-body fitness experience!

Based upon a revolutionary approach to exercise and health known as Fitness4x4, the Hour of Power class challenges your mind and body from beginning to end, helping you to develop your cardio-vascular fitness in a more complete way than ever before. Unlike circuit training, aerobics or even body-conditioning classes, in the Hour of Power your upper body is trained to contribute just as much as the lower body to your cardiovascular workout. And though many studio workouts can boast an upper-body element to their format, there is no workout in the world which develops the upper and lower body fitness balance as effectively as the Hour of Power.

Add to this attention to Core Strength which would rival the finest Pilates class; a development of breathing control rarely seen outside the art of Yoga; an emphasis on mental focus typically only found in the Martial Arts; and a level of energy which would exceed any BodyPump or Spin class and you have yourself the perfect fitness class.

What makes Hour of Power special is that unlike any other class, it will bring your body into true fitness balance. More than half of the muscles in your body are located in the upper body and yet most people have a fitness capacity which is almost 10:1 in favour of their leg muscles. Power Hour combats all parts of the body equally with the use of light hand-weights, ensuring a top to toe workout! Hit this class for the most powerful hour of your life!


4. Metafit – The workout that keeps on working!

Metafit is a 30 minute workout that will set your metabolism on fire and seriously change your body shape, muscle tone, boost your metabolism and ultimately burn fat. It combines traditional bodyweight exercises with the latest high intensity interval training. This type of exercise will create great results in a short space of time. Not only that, but this style of training will raise your metabolism meaning that you will continue to burn calories for up to 24 hours after the workout has finished (burning calories with your feet up whilst watching the latest episode of The Undateables, how good does that sound?!) Raising your metabolism will improve your ability to burn fat. No equipment is necessary, just exercises including holding the plank, squats, press ups and lunges. So, if you fancy burning 150 calories during the workout and then a further 250 calories in the following 24 hours, then Metafit is for you. It’s time to get mega fit with Metafit!


5. Body Fusion – A winning combination of fitness techniques! 

Exercise has many perks—and you want them all! Flat abs, toned arms, and a tight tush, plus a burst of endorphin-fueled energy and a calmer, less-stressed mind. But it’s hard to get that range of benefits from any one type of workout.

Enter fusion fitness—workouts that combine at least two different disciplines (boxing and Pilates; running and strength training; or yoga and cardio, to give just a few examples).

Fusion classes make the most of your time at the gym. The fresh mix-ups not only challenge your muscles in new ways, ramping up your calorie burn, but also keep you motivated by spicing up been-there-done-that routines.

Even if your gym doesn’t offer these combos, you can still multitask your way to a leaner body and happier mind on your own. Here’s how:

1. Your Dream Combo: Boxing, Pilates, and dance 

Get it with: PILOXING

This hybrid class—which mixes the badass athleticism of boxing with the beautiful sculpting of Pilates—is on fire and spreading fast, thanks to its cult-like following (Glee star Heather Morris is a fan of this workout). Participants wear weighted gloves or go bare-fisted through a series of high-intensity intervals that switch seamlessly between boxing, standing Pilates, and dance.

2. Your Dream Combo: Running and strength training

Get it with: TREAD

Popping up in big fitness clubs and boutique studios across the country, Tread fusion classes combine fast-paced treadmill intervals with muscle-building resistance training in a high-energy group environment. Because you’re alternating between the treadmill and strength moves every 10 minutes, your metabolism gets fired up and stays in high gear for an entire hour. The result: You can burn anywhere from 600 to 1,000 calories in an hour!

3. Your Dream Combo: Yoga, cardio, and core conditioning  

Get it with: ZENCORE.

When you combine yoga with functional exercises, you get improved strength, flexibility, and balance. Zencore targets specific body parts with sequences that begin with a yoga pose (to prep the body), then transition into dynamic moves (to raise your heart rate and strengthen muscles), and then flow into a restorative pose (to stretch your body). It wraps up with meditation, leaving you feeling strong and calm.

4. Your Dream Combo: Low-impact cardio and strength training 

Get it with: AQUA BOOT CAMP

Water workouts improve endurance and strength without impact, so it’s a great alternative to traditional cardio. Armed with foam weights and noodles that provide resistance, boot campers tone their upper body and core while raising their heart rate with sprints and jumping jacks.

If you’re as indecisive as I am, head on down to a body fusion class where all classes are mixed into one fat-burning, calorie-crunching workout!

Ladies, there’s no excuse to getting back on track with your fitness New Year’s resolutions! Hit the gym and stop skiving classes!

English Language and Linguistics student at Lancaster University, with a passion for all things magazine- be it beauty, fashion, lifestyle, career, reviews! Co-Editor for HerCampus Lancaster. Check out my instagram: conniemaitland  
English Language and Sociolinguistics student at Lancaster University. Writer, editor and soon to be teacher.Campus Correspondent for HC Lancaster: emilyhaigh@hercampus.com.Instagram: emilykatehaighTwitter: EMHAIGHx