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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.


Need a little motivation to hit the gym this semester? ISU freshman and fitness guru, Zoe Kahn, shares with HerCampus ISU what keeps her dedicated to fitness and how she hopes to inspire others to do the same.
HerCampus:  When did you become such a fitness buff?
Zoe Kahn: I started to really get into shape at the end of my junior year summer of high school when I noticed that I was gaining weight. I was never over weight, but I wasn’t happy with my body. I started working out a lot more and following fitness Instagrams. I loved talking about fitness with the “fitspo” girls so I made one myself. My account @healthyzoe got to around 2,000 followers before it got hacked. I was upset but got over it and made a new account, @fitzoe. At first it was just an Instagram, no big deal, but then people would approach me at school thanking me for inspiring them and it was such a good feeling! I’ve had some girls message me telling me that I’ve helped them overcome their eating disorders. It’s amazing how far some pictures can go.
HC:  When transitioning from living at home to coming to ISU was it difficult to keep up your fitness routine?
ZK: Keeping up with my fitness routine actually improved here at ISU because I was so excited to go to the Rec and take the classes offered there. We have a great program here! My eating habits were a little messed up with the unlimited meal plan and the dessert counter, but I adjusted and found the healthier meal options available.
HC:  A lot of girls struggle with finding a workout routine and staying fit in college, what are some easy and effective exercises to help stay in shape?
ZK: I have a written calendar in which I keep track of whether or not I exercised [that day]. That way I feel guilty at the end of the day if I have to write that I didn’t exercise. The most effective exercise girls can do is any kind of cardio. If you do an hour of cardio a day, after a week you’ll already see results. Yes, it may be hard, but it is so worth it. One thing that helps me the most is taking progress pictures so that you can be proud when you see your results.  
HC:  Does having so many Instagram followers inspire you to help stay dedicated to your fitness?
ZK: Having so many followers on Instagram actually does help a lot. I feel like I’m letting them down if I don’t work out or eat right. When I’m with my friends and have an occasional cheat cookie, I always jokingly say, “Don’t tell my followers.”
HC: What words of inspiration do you have for other girls?
ZK: It’s never too late to start losing weight. Don’t give up, sometimes it takes some time but just be true to yourself and you will see results.
Want to see what all the hype is about? Not to mention some great fitness and nutirtion tips? Check out Zoe on her fitness instagram at @fitzoe. Make sure to tell her we sent you!