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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Not feeling quite yourself lately, lacking motivation, or putting off all your tasks? Everyone gets caught in a rut every once in a while, and it can be frustrating to feel like you have so much to do and no effort to do it. Just remember that this too shall pass, but in the meantime here are some ways to feel better and get back on track.

Do at least one thing for yourself every day

It can be hard to find the motivation to do all the things you need to, so try to just do one thing for yourself each day. Maybe that looks like a yoga flow, or just stretching, journaling, or just writing a few sentences, reading a chapter, or maybe just a page of a book (any little bit works). I promise you’ll feel so much better afterwards.

Make a to-do list and rank your priorities 

The world keeps spinning no matter how we feel, which can be a comforting thought. On the flip side, that means putting aside responsibilities isn’t always an option. To make sure you accomplish what you need to despite feeling less than great, make a list of everything you need to do for the day or week. Put the most important priorities at the top and less important items at the bottom. This way, you can visualize what needs to get done and ease some worry about forgetting deadlines.

Let Earth be your medicine

One of my favorite quotes is “the cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea” by Isak Dinesen. It’s sweet and simple, and holds a lot of truth to it. We are so lucky to live close to the ocean, which means the beach is there anytime you need to access it. Hawaii also boasts plenty of hikes where you can get some movement in and immerse yourself in the rainforest, too. Nature always recharges me, and is a great place to ground yourself and breathe in some fresh air.

Be kind, be patient 

Most importantly, recognize your feelings but don’t get too caught up in them. See them from a bird’s eye view, and just observe your current state without attaching judgement or anxiety. Be kind to yourself and know that with time you will feel like yourself again.

Aways remember to reach out if you sense this rut could be something more serious. Don’t be hard on yourself when you’re not feeling your best, life is filled with ups and downs and this feeling is temporary!

Ashley is currently a junior at Boston University. She is majoring in conservation and ecology biology with an interest in marine and wildlife conservation. In her free time she loves to practice yoga, read, create wellness content for her instagram @soulfullyashley, and surf when she can make it to the beach.